Chapter 69. I Promise

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Now there was nobody else in the world. He could not feel his father's or mother's presence, or that of any of his friends. He could only look in front of him at the raven-haired boy who had stolen his heart. Draco no longer tried to conceal his feelings. They were just too strong, so omnipresent that even people who did not believe in love now did as they looked at him.

He approached him, knowing that this time would be the last time he had to do so because after today he knew Harry would officially be his forever. Pansy and Blaise looked at their best friend as they held hands. Their love had not been a normal one, but it was still strong. Blaise had realized through war what Pansy meant to him. He had realized that the girl that he had always found so annoying was actually the love of his life. A lot of people realized through the war what they truly wanted out of life; the war showed them how short life really was, and no matter how cheesy it sounded that you do in fact only live once.

The Weasley's looked at Draco with a feeling they thought they would never feel, a feeling of pride and happiness. They knew he was the best possible thing for Harry. Hermione laid on Ron's shoulder as she smiled, knowing her day was soon to come. That she too would be married by the end of the year.

Harry stood at the end of the aisle, trying to maintain his demeanour, but he was so madly, unconditionally, unfathomably in love with this boy. This boy that he now realized was not a boy anymore but a man...

Draco continued to walk closer. Harry's glares were so piercing. He could not turn his eyes. Neither could Harry. When their eyes met it did not matter how evil the world was, or how perfectly unhappy their pasts were. It was like if all the pain they had to go through was worth it, because, in the end, it lead up to this moment.

The space between the men kept tightening until they were right in front of each other, not even realizing Ron and Blaise's presence centimetres beside them. Harry lifted his eyes to Draco's. It was time for him to tell Draco everything.

"Who would have known that being late to Potion's class was the best decision of my life?" Harry said smiling and teary-eyed as Draco smiled the widest of smiles. "All of my life, I wondered if I would ever truly find the one. Everyone always talks about my parent's love story." Harry said as his eyes glimmered to the sky, thinking about his parents, wishing they could be here to see him get married, to see him happy at last... "They said it was one of the grandest, most beautiful love stories of all times. My mother, Lily, always rejecting my father, James, every time he asked her, but he never gave up. He was brave and ambitious. He was willing to fight for what he wanted, no matter how scared or improbable it may be. I have always searched for these characteristics in a partner. - You have both of those characteristics. Draco you are one the most beautiful people I have ever met. It only takes the right person to see that. You are my reason for not only existing but truly living." Harry said as tears poured down his face and Draco could barely see through his blurry eyes. "I believe I have waited 18 years, 1 month, and 17 days to marry you..." Harry said as Draco's tears fell from his chin, taking a moment to catch his breath before he started.

"Potter, it only feels right to start off with that," Draco said teasingly as he chuckled and laughed. Harry smiled so much. "My whole life, I bottled up my emotions to a point in which I felt like I did not even have them anymore. I remember meeting you, and the way you looked at me. It almost felt like you could see right through me. I wanted to run away, but I knew I could not. You were everywhere: The Great Harry Potter. And all I could do was sit there hopelessly, my flesh melted to the core; I was nothing more than a sack of bones hopelessly hoping nobody would see me. Frightened and alone. Though, I know you could. I know you could see my inner demons that had always eaten me, but somehow your eyes mistakenly choose to see January ambers in the living hell that was ignited within me. You saw within me a light I did not know existed, a hope that I did not know I had. You saw within me what everyone else refused to believe. You saw good. In a world that was not. Potter, you promised me on the Quidditch court, but I promise you now. I promise you a lifetime of happiness, one of adventure, of love. You are the reason I exist. I exist, because I was made to find you, Potter..." Draco said as tears rolled down his face. Harry sobbed as he kept trying to look at Draco. Everyone around had never seen two people so in love...

"Do you Harry Potter take Draco Malfoy as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest asked as even he felt tearful.

"I do," Harry said crying as he slid with trembling fingers James's golden ring onto Draco's hand.

"Do you Draco Malfoy take Harry Potter as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do," Draco said crying as he slid what was his father's ring onto Harry's hand.

"You may kiss!" the priest said as Draco, summing up the courage, grabbed Harry's visage softly and pressed his warm like honey lips to his husband's. The crowd uproared with applause and whistling, but they could not hear them. They were in their own world, with a love only truly they knew...

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