Chapter 10. No Choice

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Today was the first Potions Class since the incident. Harry did not look forward to having all the attention on him. He just wanted to make any excuse to not go, but he knew he had no choice. He knew that if he did not go, that would be an even stronger sign of weakness than if he went. He could not let this fear overcome him anymore... if not he would just be consumed by it.

Draco had never gotten any sleep that night. He had spent hours in Myrtle's bathroom hiding away from the world and the other hours roaming around the castle. Voldemort was after him... Draco was raised with evilness lingering around him... he was raised to become evil but it never truly within him. He was not the bearer of malice but the receiver of it. But he knew he was not faced with the choice to choose what he wanted if he wanted to protect his family...he had no choice but to do what was told of him. But this brought great sorrow...

Draco spent countless nights broken by the pressure put on him. His obedience to the Dark Lord was a necessity in order to ensure his own survival. Draco had memorized every inch of the castle. He knew exactly where to go to not be disturbed by anyone. He knew where the Head Girl and Head Boy would not see him or any other teacher or student.

He would go to his safe places to be alone, where he would spend hours laying on the ground and looking at the ceiling. From time to time, he would even allow himself slight moments of weakness... where in occasion his pale face would grow redder and his eyes shinier... and it's even been known that once a tear managed to fall down his high cheekbones... In those times, he would wonder to himself, wonder what people would think if they really knew..? Wonder what they would say and do..?

After a while, both boys slowly headed to Positions Class: Draco with dark bags under his foggy lead eyes and Harry with a fearful heart...

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