Part 24!

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You freeze up at the sound of the breath. You don't dare to turn around so you remain, staring wide-eyed at the entrance of the alleyway. It's so close but you have lost all control of your body as if your mind has just shut down. You heart isn't beating, at least you can't hear it. Isn't that bad for your health? Occasionally, you hear a loud thud in your hear but you can't tell if it's from outside your body or not.

Whatever is holding you loosens it's grip on your shoulder. Your muscles stay tense even though nothing is gripping onto you. Your shirt feels dirty and is suffocating you. You think about pushing away it's hand and running out into the street to call for help but you remain stationary.

You hear slow and threatening footsteps going around you. You can't see it because your eyesight has gone blurry and starting to dim down from keeping your eyes open for too long. It's still holding your shoulder but not as tight. It's still there. It's still there. It's still there. It's still-

"(Y/N)," it whispers from in front of you. Your eyes widen at the mention of your name. Your eyesight is coming back but only slightly. "I need a favour."

"W-" You try saying something but nothing escapes your mouth. Your throat goes dry and your eyes begin to hurt. Everything begins to hurt, if you think about it. What does he mean?

"It's just a question about ghouls," it mutters. There's a shuffling noise and you can barely tell he's standing in front of you now. Your eyesight has returned but is still blurry. You can make out the figure of a man - and a hideous suit. "You wouldn't happen to know any would you, (Y/N)?"

How does he know my name?! You start panicking. Does he know Kaneki? Why does he look so familiar? Is Kaneki alright?

You stare at him. It's that man, the one who was staring at you in the café this morning. The one you felt uncomfortable being around as he watched your every move. You take a step backwards, away from him. "Yes, I know you (Y/N)," he whispers, "and I also know your brother."

"It's just a little question," the man continues, "Do you think a ghoul can live among petty humans, let alone have feelings for one?" He pauses and waits for your response, which you don't give him. "Don't be a hassle, (Y/N), it's just a simple question and I want a simple answer."

You're going to faint, definitely. You hear shouting coming from the main street but you can't make out the voices. The man can though. He gives you a smile and removes his hand from your shoulder. You blink, trying to regain your sight, and when you open them the man is no where to be found.

You fall backwards into blackness but soon to be greeted with ash-covered concrete. The voices surround you as do flashlights that are being shined into your eyes and then start to fade again. You hear someone shout your name. You respond as loud as you could but your voice is hoarse and scratchy, "Kaneki."

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