Part 91!

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"Hi?" You say as if you had completely forgotten that you invited him over a few minutes ago. You reach out and take the flowers off him, "Thank you..." There's nothing you could say. You can't recall a time when someone had brought you flowers.

"I-I thought you'd like them," he says as he rubs the back of his head timidly. You know it's serious cringe but you can't help thinking that he looks cute when he does that.

"I do!" You blurt out. It sounded a bit too sarcastic for you but you brush it off and hope Uta doesn't think you're being disrespectful. "Thank you..." You repeated. Now you knew you were blushing...

And you hated it.

You look away from him to make sure he doesn't see the red tint on your cheeks. You think Uta had mind-reading powers as he turns your face to look at him and says, "it looks cute."

'It looks cute'?! How can an untamable red mark on your face look cute?! You can't tell if he's joking or being serious as you purposely advert your eyes from his. You feel your face heating up and you want to rip yourself away from him but something about being so close to him seems comforting.

"I'll put these in some water," you say as you motion to the bouquet of flowers. You begin to walk away but Uta follows you. You give a yelp as you trip over. You feel Uta rushing over to your falling body and try to catch you, but he fails, slips over himself and you fall on top of him.

You immediately know this is weird but you physically can't lift yourself up - your leg is in one of the most strange positions where you can't move it without ripping the skin apart again, your bruised arm isn't strong enough to support your own weight and your broken arm is, well, broken.

You could tell from Uta's face that he was not comfortable being in this situation and you were starting to panic. Great job, you were telling yourself, you are hopeless at love. "Uhh," you mumbled, "I can't move." This is so embarrassing.

"I know you can't."

Can You Keep A Secret? (Tokyo Ghoul x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now