Part 99!

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"C'mon, Berry, put that phone away. Spend some time with me," he says to you as he tries to pry your phone away from you.

"Is that supposed to be seductive?" You ask him as you continue scrolling. It feels good to be a rebel.

Tsukyama looks taken aback, which adds to your amusement. It shuts him up and he begins to walk away from you. Once you notice him backing away, you turn your phone off and slide it into your pocket. A smug grin creeps up your face as you walk into your bedroom.

A few minutes pass. You locked your door and sat on your bed. No one was talking but you could occasionally hear the whimper of Tsukyama behind the door. Fed up with listening to Tsukyama's cries, you open the door up.

Tsukyama falls onto the floor - just like you did when you were having a go at Kaneki - and stared up at you. He pouts at you. You just stare back at him. Visibly, you're angry, but inside you can't make out your emotions. Are you irritated with him? You don't know.

"Sorry," you half-heartely say, "I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Tsukyama looks surprised with your apology. When he fully convinces himself that your apology was genuine - it's not, you just want him to move - he stands up and gives you a hug.

"Uhh," you groan as he crushes your whole chest, "not a hugger."

"Oh," he says as he releases his grip, "I've got a present for you, Berry." He holds out his phone with a text message on it.

"Don't call me that," you say as you read the text. 'I can't wait to go on our date tomorrow! Thank Kaneki for setting it up for me!' You reread it. It's still the same... wait.


Kaneki jumps out of his skin as he looks up at you. Your shout could've probably alarmed everyone on the opposite side of the world, considering how loud it was.

"Who's this?" You lift the phone up to show him.


The room goes silent as you turn around and disappear back into your room. That's all you needed to hear - and you weren't happy about it.

Can You Keep A Secret? (Tokyo Ghoul x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now