Part 109!

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That's the house, you think to yourself as the estate agent prints out the final piece of important documents. The house you have picked os nothing glamorous. It isn't even a house to be honest. It's a bungalow in the run-down part of the city on the outskirts. It's away from everyone and anything. It's... perfect.

You jump on to a bus and ignore Tsukyama's pleads the stay. He's sitting next to you but you aren't even paying the slightest attention to him. Instead, you're imagining scenarios of how you'll tell Kaneki that you're moving house. Will he even bother to go with you?

"So, you're actually going," Tsukyama says. He doesn't need to phrase it as a question; he knows the answer anyway. "Where are you going to move?"

You don't answer since he doesn't need to know. You're leaving everything behind, that's the plan, right? Is that the right choice? It must be since you're doing it without thinking? What's that thing people say, 'listen to your heart'? Is that it? If so, you must be since you have no control over your body any more.

"Silent treatment," Tsukyama mumbles to himself, "just what the doctor ordered." He shuffles around so you're not facing each other. It obvious he didn't plan for this to happen, but life doesn't always go as you want it to.

"Tsukyama?" You ask after a few minutes of listening to the wind fly through the broken roof hatch is finished, "Why did you confront me that night?"

"What night?"

"After work, ages ago? When I walked down an alleyway and you jumped down from the metal balconies and..." that was it, everything else seemed like a complete blur since it was so long ago and you had been on the verge of fainting the whole time.

"Oh," Tsukyama collected his memories, "then. Well, you sort of smelt good, I guess?" You can clearly tell he's lying and turn away from him again. "You seemed like a... you were pretty good... I..." He goes silent as he realises there was no reason behind it.

"You asked me about my brother," you hiss as you stare longingly out the window. You don't really want to speak to him, but you feel obliged to.

"That's because I wanted to get close to him."

"So, you used me?" You turn back to him, you can feel water welling up in your eyes but you tell yourself you won't cry.

"Not exactly, I began to like you so I forgot about getting too close to Kaneki."

It sounds like a truthful excuse. You're about to let him slide away without a slap around the face or a bruise on his leg but you're body does something different.

In an instant, you find yourself kissing Tsukyama. Once you've got control over your body, you push yourself away from him and return your face to its scowling position. "I really do hate you."

You stand up to get off the bus as it arrives at your stop. Tsukyama stands up to let you pass, which you do, but then begins to walk after you. You shake your head at him and he sits back down. When you're off the bus, you look back at Tsukyama through the window. The eye contact you keep isn't awkward and neither one of you break it.

The bus begins to move away but you keep looking at Tsukyama until you can't see him any longer.

Goodbye, Pumpkin... ugh, I hate myself for saying that.


Well, another soppy chapter written by yours truly! I'm sorry that this chapter was literal cringe - I died a little bit inside while writing it - but I am not one for all this romance-y garbage.

But I hope you like the story! The end is nigh, however, you will be moving house soon! But don't worry, you'll have a lot fun at that new place, hopefully!

I'll see you all later!

- Yuki_the_inu

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