Part 30!

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"Kaneki!" You yell at the top of your lungs, not bothering to think about the others on your street. Kaneki is the only person you're thinking about, and not in a good way. "Kaneki!" You yell again, louder this time, almost making the walls shake.

You try to calm yourself down, there's got to be a reasonable explanation for this, you tell yourself over and over again.

You stand outside of your house in some shorts and a tank top you pulled on quickly. It's not too cold, but it's not pleasant either. As you stare up into the night sky at the glimmering moon, you take a couple deep breaths before taking off into a sprint down the street.

You skid to a stop at a little alleyway at the end of the street. Reluctantly, you step inside, still very afraid of dim spaces since the encounter with the ghoul.

You allow your eyes to adjust to the light level before adventuring deeper into the darkness. "K-Kaneki?" You ask the black abyss, remaining silent although you know there won't be a reply.

You take a couple more steps into the damp alleyway. There's a strong stench radiating from the walls, a sickly smell like a rotting corpse. Of course, there aren't any rotting corpses in this alleyway.

One of the main senses of humans is smell, and we've relied on it from the moment we began walking this planet. When deprived from our other senses, like sight or hearing, we are reliant on the sense of smell. We use it today, when sniffing the air to find out if someone's toast is burning, or when making sure food is cooked to perfection before being eaten. In some cases, smell is a useless sense. You can't tell the colour of a bucket using your sense of smell. Other times, having the sense of smell is extremely unlucky.

Now is one of those times. Your stomach twists and turns, yet you continue to be fearless and continue your journey.

As you turn the corner into the small walkway going behind the houses, you start to get a bad feeling. You've had this feeling since you left the house but it's only just surfacing now.

You stare into the darkness. Your heart stops for just a second as you see the figure crouched down.

He said he wouldn't. Bleeding liar.

You walk towards the person, "Kaneki?" You whisper into the dark, "Why are you doing this?"

"(Y/N)," He's gasping for breath, his back rising up and down violently.

"You'll hurt yourself," you say although his rapid breathing isn't the biggest of your concerns, "Why did you run off?"

He twists his head so that he's staring straight at me. The sight is enough to make me sick and frightening enough to make you want to turn and run away from him.

His eye is red, cracked, like the other day when Hide was here. The only difference was that, tonight, it was angry, hungry maybe. He was seeking something against his own will. You could see the last bit of Kaneki's sanity on his face, pained at what he's becoming.

You panic, will he turn ravenous? You think, hoping the answer would be a definite 'no' but the thought can't leave your mind.

"Come on, Kaneki, let's go home."

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