Part 78!

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You, Kaneki and Hide finish your dinner in silence. When every bowl was clear and every spoon had been put down, Hide stood up.

"Thank you," he mutters. He begins to walk away from the table and grabs you by the arm. He pulls you towards the door and outside.

In the evening light, he turns to you. His face is flustered with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "I thought you'd tell him when I wasn't here."

You frown at him. To be honest, you do feel a bit guilty bringing it up in his presence. "The pressure..." That's all that stumbles out of your mouth. You don't want to hurt him more than you already have. "I thought..." your voice stops entirely. You know there isn't a valid reason.

"What about us?" Hide starts saying again, "Why aren't we allowed to see each other?"

Your mouth doesn't move. It's impossible to open. Even if you pulled it open at all force, no words would be created. Instead, you shuffle your hands at your sides. To yourself, this doesn't mean anything but to Hide, it's all he needs to hear.

"No comment," he murmurs quietly to himself. You look down shamefully. "Fine by me," Hide says as he looks you in the eyes.

He takes your hand, gives it a little squeeze and walks away, leaving you standing in the light of your house by yourself.

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