Part 34!

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You and Kaneki sit outside of a simple café on the outskirts of the town. It's not isolated like the cafés Kaneki and you work at but it's a bit far away from the major parts of the town.

Kaneki has a cup of coffee which he managed to slip a sugar-cube-thing into undetected whereas you just have a simple cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream.

When you had asked for whipped cream on your hot chocolate, they had originally refused to add it saying, 'we only put whipped cream on our cold smoothies'. This really annoyed you because you had grown tired of misjudging the temperature of the hot chocolate and taken the first sip only to burn your tongue and having to spend the rest of the day with that pain. Luckily, Kaneki overheard the problem and managed to set it right although you're not sure how.

"Well," you say as you take a sip of your perfect temperature hot chocolate, "How's your hand doing?" You look at his bandaged hand with pity.

"Fine," he mumbles as he brings his coffee up to his mouth before taking a lengthy sip and setting it back down.

"We sure go to a lot of different cafés, don't we? I'm wondering just how many cafés this place has," you say, just trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, but this one has wi-fi," Kaneki says as he takes out his phone, showing you how many bars of wi-fi he has.

You reach for your phone bit hesitate as you soon realise it's not there, "After we've finished, he need to head home so I can get my phone."

He nods and continues to drink his coffee.

When you have finished and arrive home, you take a long stare at the front door. It's not like someone has written anything on it, nor is it an eviction note. No, the door is wide open.

Someone broke in.

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