Part 108!

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I do hate starting my chapters off with an author's note but I need to notify all of my readers. This book will be ending soon and it'll only contain the characters I have mentioned before (Touka, Uta, Tsukyama, Hide e.t.c).

The end of the story will only be a few chapters away. After that, it will be about a week of editing and changing before I finally complete it.

I thank you for all your support and am greatly sorry that I could not continue the story further.

- Yuki_the_inu


"Get off me!" You yell as Tsukyama grabs you by the wrist and pulls you out of the Subway. A few customers turn their heads to look at you but choose their selfish needs - eating a delicious Subway sandwich which had been toasted by the golden, beautiful rays of the sun - over you, someone being legitimately pulled out of a Subway by a psychopath.

He pulls you into an alleyway between the Subway and some other shop. His grip tightens and you begin to tell yourself that you're not leaving here alive. With a sudden jerk, the stupid purple idiot digs his fingers into the side of your arm, which makes you drop your bags of shopping on the floor.

"Do you have to make such a mockery of me?" Tsukyama growls as he grips hold of you tighter.

You struggle, "sorry, I guess I stole your job." The sarcasm seems to annoy him but he doesn't lower his guard. You stand there looking at each other quietly as you continue to try to break his hands away from you. "Why do you smell of blood?" You stutter our as you begin to give up trying.

"Oh, you know," he loosens his grip, "the normal task of killing people to eat and all that stuff." Somehow, this angers you more so that the fact that he was standing to close to you that the blood was being transfered onto your clothes.

"Who did you kill?" You choke out as you try to swallow down your anger. Tsukyama lets go of you and grabs your phone. He holds it up to you but takes it away when you try to grab it.

"One..." He begins to count for some reason, "two..." You begin to get really annoyed at him since your phone is your pride and joy, "three..."

The phone starts to ring and an image of Kaneki flashes on the screen. You dart to your phone, grab it tightly, answers the call and brings it up to your ear forcefully. "Kaneki! I'm with-"

"Izzie's dead."

You go silent as you look over to Tsukyama. He has a smug grin on his face which sickens you to your stomach.

"She didn't get too far from her house either," Kaneki continues. It was clear he is devastated - maybe even worse. His breathing hitches from time to time as he tried to get a grip on the situation.

"That's it," you shouted as you hung up and pushed past Tsukyama. You know where you want to go and you know what you want to do but you don't really know why you want to do it.

The shop you are searching for isn't too hidden. You storm in through the glass doors and line up at the counter. A young lady walks up the you and gives you a pleasant smile. You try to muster one back but you can't bring your mouth into a smile for the life of you.

"How can I help you today?" She says to you. She smiles again but you can tell it's forced. As her patience begins to decrease, she awaits for your reply.

"I need help moving into a new house."

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