[1] This isn't NXT.

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I just won my debut match against Alicia Fox. The feelings running through my veins right now are incredible! Adrenaline is buzzing through me and I feel amazing. If I can beat Alicia Fox, a former WWE divas champion, I think I can beat pretty much any diva on the roster.

I'm Paige and I'm going to rule this divas division just like I did in NXT. But that's the thing, this isn't NXT. This is WWE. These two companies are two totally different levels of wrestling. I've got a lot of work to do before I can start impressing anybody in this company. But I like a good challenge.

I'm actually stoked that Adalia Black is the current divas champion. She and I go way back in NXT. We debuted around the same time and we had many great matches together. We worked as a divas tag team and we also worked against eachother with amazing in ring chemistry. She's a tough girl but I know her weak spots and I could take her out for that title if it comes down to it.

"Nice match Paige!" One of the backstage managers shouted towards me down the hallway. A smile grew on my face. Maybe it's going to be a little easier than I expected to impress this company. I gave them a thumbs up and as I turned around I smacked into a large body, their phone smashed against the hard concrete floor.

"Watch it." I spoke angrily as I stepped back taking in the view. The person standing there sent a chill down my spine. Dean Ambrose. He glared down at me with anger in his eyes but I just returned his glare.

His eyes travelled down my body and onto the ground where his phone lay. "If there's a crack in that screen, oh, I swear to god I will end you." He threatened as he leaned down to grab his phone.

I felt a smile grow on my face. "Alright, tough guy." I laughed before bumping into him once more on purpose and continuing my stroll to the locker room.

The locker room is full of divas since there was a Divas battle royal earlier tonight to see which diva is next in line for a shot at the divas championship. Unfortunately I didn't get to participate since I'm the newbie of the division. Summer Rae won the battle royal by some sort of insane miracle. She and I go back in NXT, I absolutely despise her.

"Heeeyyyy Paaaige!" Speak of the devil. I turned around to see Summer waving at me from the other side of the room. I gave her a sarcastic smile and rolled my eyes. "You better start kissing the ground I walk on, sweetheart, I'm the next divas champion and I'm about to rule this division." She boasted. Yeah right. "But that means you'd have to have some sort of talent?" I smirked and opened my locker. She let out a frustrated grunt and turned her attention away from me.

One night here and I've managed to shock the world and piss off two people, not a bad start.

A warm hand found its way onto my shoulder and by instinct I shook it off turning around to see AJ Lee. "I like you, kid. One night here and you're already the least liked diva in this room. Thanks for taking that spot away from me." She smiled. I looked around to see most of the divas sending me nasty glares. Well what can I say, It's fun to be disliked. "Don't call me kid." I turned my back to her and grabbed my clothes from my duffel bag.

One night down, a million to go. I unlocked the door to my hotel room and the warm scent of vanilla greeted me. This is one thing I'm not very familiar with; being all alone in a giant hotel room. In NXT I always roomed with Emma and Bayley which I have to admit was fun and I'm going to miss them a lot.

I've yet to grow a relationship with anybody in WWE who I can room with but at the same time I don't want friends, they always end up being your downfall. I'm better off alone. Plus it's a lot more fun if half the roster hates you.

I hope you like it so far! It's going to be a fun story to write and I'm super excited. I just want to point out that this story does not depict anything happening currently in the WWE. In my story the champions may be different as will the feuds that are currently happening in the (real life) WWE. :)

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