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2 Days Later

I laid on the couch, trying to relax, as I tried to breathe through the pain in my stomach. A million thoughts were running through my head. Was this it? I breathed through the pain as Sasha walked into the living room.

"Feeling any better?"

She asked me. It was just me and her at the house since Sami was off at a live show and Finn was at the PC.


I said as I laid a hand on my bump.

"Okay. I'm going to call my mom and see if she knows anything about this."

Sasha said, walking into my room. Sasha's mom was always the one we went to for advice since neither Finn or I's parents weren't in the picture. I sat up on the couch and felt my bump. It was as hard as a rock. I felt Aria kicking around as Sasha came in the room.

"Okay so I'm going to take you to the hospital and I'll call Finn on the way."

Sasha said. I nodded as she helped me up off the couch and went off to grab the baby bag. I leaned against the wall as I felt something run down my leg.

"Okay, you ready?"

Sasha asked as she reached the end of the hall.

"Sash, I think my water just broke."

I said, staring at the ground.

"Okay. Let's go then."

She said, helping me out the door. She helped me into the car and grabbed her phone to call Finn.

Finn's POV

"Finn! Your phone is ringing! It's Sash!"

Mella yelled from the side of the ring. Cass and I stopped practicing for a minute and I hopped out of the ring to retrieve my phone.

"Hey Sash. What's up?"

I asked, answering my phone.

"Um, you ready to become a Dad?"

Sasha asked. Then I heard crying in the background.

"Is that?"

"Yes, Finn."

Sasha said, interrupting my sentence.

"I'll meet you there."

I said, hanging up.

"What's going on?"

Mella asked.

"Aria is coming."

I said, with a smile.

"Oh my god! I'm coming with you!"

Mella yelled as she smiled.

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