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"You guys did amazing!"

Sasha said, looking around the house. All of our friends and Finn's family was over at the new place since no one had seen it since we unpacked and decorated.

"Yeah, its look great!"

Charlotte said.


I said, smiling.

"Have you guys started the new baby's nursery?"

Sasha whispered in my ear. We hadn't told any of our friends or family that we were expecting since we never found the right time. Whenever we were moving, Finn would just tell our friends that I couldn't help cause I had to watch Aria.

"Not yet. We really want to wait till we know the gender."

I said back to her as Becky, Sasha, Charlotte, Mella, and I all walked out to backyard where everyone was. Cass, Finn, Kevin, and Sami all attempted to use the grill as Aria and Finn's nieces all ran around playing. We all sat down at the table with Finn's family.

"Hello beautiful."

Finn said, kissing my cheek.


I said as he sat next to me.

"You know we could tell them today."

Finn whispered in my ear.

"Why don't we tell them after lunch?"

I asked him.

"Works for me."

Finn said, kissing me.

"Get a room!"

Charlotte joked. I reached into my glass and threw an ice cube at her.

"You brat!"

She yelled at me as everyone laughed.

2 Hours Later

"Can we have everyone's attention?"

Finn asked as we stood at the head of the table. Everyone looked at us as I smiled.

"So Bayley and I have a little announcement for everyone."

Finn said, looking at me.

"In about 6 months we're going to welcome another little Devitt!"

I announced.

"Oh my gosh!"

Mella exclaimed, running up and hugging me.

"I'm so happy for you guys!"

Becky said as she smiled. While everyone was celebrating, Charlotte pulled me aside.

"Can we talk for a second?"

She asked me.

"Yeah, of course."

I said as we walked inside the house.

"What's up?"

I asked her.

"Well Summerslam was two months ago and you said you're three months so I just wanted to know if I injured you or the baby when I attacked you."

She said.

"You're fine Char. I went to medical and to the hospital and they said everything was fine."

I said to her.

"Thank god. I was so worried."

She said, hugging me.

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