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Finn's POV

Sasha and I walked out of Bayley's hospital room as I saw Charlotte, Becky, Kevin, and Sami in the waiting room.

"Is he here?"

Charlotte asked.

"Yep. Little Noah Anthony Devitt."

I said, wiping my tears.

"Congrats man!"

Kevin said.

"How long was she in labor for?"

Becky asked.

"20 Hours. She's such a trooper."

I said as I smiled. I looked through the photos on my phone and found one that Sasha snapped when Bayley and I were crying when we first met Noah. I posted it on Instagram and captioned it:

I can't believe my baby boy is already here! I can't wait to see where you go baby boy. No matter where you go in life, your mom, Aria, and I will be right by your side. I've always wished for a baby boy to play with. To teach him wrestling (if he wants to learn of course) and to help him with anything his mom can't. And now I have that. Thank you so much @itsmebayley for giving me the best gifts on earth. Aria Melody and Noah Anthony Devitt. And hey, just between us, Bayley Rose Devitt is pretty cool too. ❤️

I smiled as I sighed.

"Do you guys wanna go to the nursery and see Noah?"

I asked everyone.


Becky said as her, Charlotte, and Sasha followed me. We walked to the nursery as we spotted Noah, sleeping away in his bed. I smiled as I read his tag.

It's a boy!
Noah Anthony Devitt
10 lbs. 5 oz.

"Wow. I feel bad for Bay. I can't believe he's 10 pounds."

Sasha said.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to push out a ten pounder."

Becky said.

"Hey! Quit making fun of my son!"

I joked as I looked at Becky.

"He's beautiful, Finn. He looks just like you."

Charlotte said as I smiled.

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