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I tried to breathe through a contraction as Sasha sat next to me on the bed. My water still hadn't broke and my contractions were only 8 minutes apart.

"You're doing great Bay. I don't know if I would've been able to do this for the six hours you've been going."

Sasha said as she smiled.

"I just want Finn."

I said, letting tears fall down my face.

"I know sweetie. Don't cry. He said he would be here soon."

Sasha said, rubbing my arm. Then we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll be right back."

Sasha said, leaving the room. Then she returned with Mella behind her.

"Hey sweetie."

She said hugging me.


I said as I felt more tears rushing down my face.

"Aw don't cry Bay."

Sasha said.

"It hurts so much more then when I had Aria."

I said as I rubbed my bump. Then I felt something rush down my leg.

"My water just broke."

I said, looking at Sasha.

"Okay. Let's get this show on the road."

Sasha said, smiling.

2 Hours Later

"So I'm going to actually kill my husband when he gets here."

I said to Sasha. I was getting more and more frustrated that he wasn't here and that this labor was going so slow. I was only 5 centimeters and I was going on 8 Hours. I sighed as I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey baby."

Finn said, walking in.


I said, kissing him.

"How's my little man doing in there?"

He asked, rubbing my bump.

"He doesn't wanna come out. And he's kicking a lot."

I said, sighing.

"He'll come when he's ready. Don't rush him."

Finn said as I sighed.

4 Hours Later

Finn rubbed my back as I sighed.

"Twelve freaking Hours."

I said, clearly frustrated. Sasha was asleep on the couch and Finn was barley staying awake even though I know he was exhausted too. All of us had been walking up stairs, walking through the halls, doing anything just to try and get Noah moving.

"If you're tired babe you can take a nap."

I said to Finn.

"I don't wanna miss anything."

Finn said, holding my hand.

"It's okay. Get some sleep."

I said, kissing him.

"Okay. I love you."

Finn said.

"I love you too."

I said as he laid down on the other couch.

6 Hours Later

I woke up to Finn and Sasha talking to each other.

"Morning baby."

Finn said, kissing my cheek.


I said, smiling. I felt Noah kicking as I sighed. Then the doctor came in and checked me out.

"Well in looks like you're at 8 centimeters. I think your baby should be here in a couple hours. If not, we should probably go ahead and do a c-section."

The doctor said. As she left I bursted into tears.

"What's wrong?"

Sasha asked.

"I don't wanna have a c-section."

I said.

"It'll be okay baby."

Finn said, kissing me.

1 Hour Later

After being checked out, everything started to move quickly and by an hour later I was already ready to push.

After a half hour of pushing, I was already exhausted.

"I'm so tired."

I whined as I took a break from pushing.

"I know baby. You can do it. You didn't spend 20 hours in labor to quit now."

Finn said, holding my hand.

"You got this Bay. Do it for Finn. Do it for Aria. Do it for your family. Do it for your little niece or nephew that was suppose to be here with us."

Sasha said, holding my other hand. That was the first time in months she had brought up her baby. I nodded as I started pushing again.

"Cmon! You got this Bay!"

Sasha yelled as I screamed from the pain. After a couple more pushes, I heard a tiny cry. They immediately put Noah on my chest as I cried.

"He looks just like you Finn!"

Sasha said. Finn wiped his tears as I smiled. They took Noah to clean him up as I smiled.

"I love you."

Finn said kissing me.

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