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3 Weeks Later

"We did such a good job."

Mella said to Sasha as I put my earrings in.

"Shut up."

I said, rolling my eyes. Today was the baby shower and Sasha and Mella did my hair and makeup. If feels like forever since I had my girls doing my makeup and hair.

"That's not very nice."

Sasha giggled, poking me.

"I love you guys."

I said, hugging her and Mella.

"We love you too. Now let's go because your baby shower is in like 30 minutes and I wanna find out the gender already!"

Mella said. I laughed as we walked downstairs. We were greeted by Finn, Sami, and Cass. Finn was still hopping around on crutches because of his broken leg, but we were making everything work.

"Look at my beautiful girlfriend."

Finn said, balancing on one crutch and putting his hand out to help me down the bottom stairs.

"Thank you. You aren't too shabby yourself."

I said, kissing Finn.

"Let's get this show on the road!"

Mella said as everyone laughed.

2 Hours Later

After opening presents and talking with everyone, Finn and I decided it was time to announce the gender. The venue the girls booked had microphones since it was pretty big and a lot of our friends from the main roster and NXT were there.

Finn and I walked up to the front of the stage area and Finn grabbed a microphone.

"Okay so who's ready for a little announcement?"

Finn asked, getting everyone's attention. Everyone cheered as I smiled.

"Okay well in about 4 months, Bayley and I will be welcoming..."

Finn stopped for dramatic pause as he handed me a microphone.

"A little girl!"

I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"Yes! I knew it!"

Mella said as I laughed.

"Also, I have another announcement."

Finn said. I looked at him in confusion as he grabbed my hand.

"Bayley. You know how much I love you. I love every little thing about you. I love the way you walk. The way you talk. The way you crinkle your face when you find something funny. The way you bit your lip when you find something attractive. The way you are passionate about wrestling and how much you care about others. I could go on for hours on what I love about you. I love everything. I'm so happy you chose me in the end. I'm so happy we're getting our happily ever after. I told you I would marry you again one day."

Finn stopped, getting down on one knee.

"I'm ready to make that day happen. Bayley Rose Martinez, will you marry me, again?"

Finn said. I covered my mouth as tears rushed down my face.

"Yes! Yes! I love you! Yes!"

I said, hugging him. All of our friends clapped as Finn put the ring on my finger.

"I love you."

Finn said.

"I love you too."

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