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Tuesday Night | Finn's POV

I adjusted the car mirror as I looked back at Bayley. She wasn't feeling well so she was asleep in the backseat while I drove to the next show in Tampa.


I heard Bayley ask in the back.

"Yes babe?"

I asked her.

"Something doesn't feel right."

She said, sitting up.

"What do you mean?"

I asked her.

"My stomach. It's like tight and it hurts really bad."

She said.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

I asked her.

"No. You have to be at the hotel by a certain time. Don't worry about me."

She said, laying back down.

"Screw that. If you're in that much pain, I'll call Hunter and say we're going to the hospital."

I said.

"No. I'm just gonna try and sleep."

She said.

"Okay. You tell me if it gets even the tiniest bit worse."

I told her.

"Will do."

She said before falling asleep.

Bayley's  POV | 2 Hours Later

I laid in the car, almost in tears from the pain, as Finn pulled into the hotel parking lot. He thought I was sleeping this whole time and I didn't want to worry him. Especially since he just won the title.

"Bayley. Wake up baby."

Finn said as he gently shook me away. I got out of the car and leaned against it while Finn got the bags. I tried to mask my pain from my face, but it was too intense.

"Babe? Are you okay?"

Finn asked.


Was all I could say before tears started streaming down my face.

"Bayley, get back in the car. I'm taking you to the hospital."

Finn said. He took the bags into the hotel and told Hunter that we were leaving as I got into the car. After a couple minutes, Finn came back to the car.

"I'm scared."

I said as he started the car.

"Don't be scared. Everything will be okay."

Finn said, rubbing my leg.

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