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The next couple of weeks were some of our hardest. Finn and I trained nonstop together. Thankfully, Sasha and Sami were taking some vacation days and were more then happy to watch their niece.

Training was much harder then I could expect, but I knew the hard work would pay off. To see my little girl in the crowd of my debut for Raw... it was an indescribable feeling.

It all felt like a dream come Monday night. I got Aria ready in some little hugger merch as Sasha and Sami were decked out in Finn and I's merch. I smiled as I looked them.

"You guys look amazing."

I said, hugging them.

"Anything for you Bay. Go in there and tear the house down. We'll see you later."

Sasha said, taking Aria out of my arms. Finn and I walked down to the car and packed the bags into them.

"You ready for tonight?"

Finn asked me.

"No. I mean I've been working hard for this moment but... it just doesn't feel real. I mean after having Aria, I didn't think it was possible that I was moving up to the main roster. Hell, I didn't even know if I was going to be able to go back to NXT. But I'm so glad we're getting this opportunity. I can't believe Aria is going to be there. We're going to tear the house down."

I said, smiling at Finn.

"Yeah we are."

Finn said, kissing me.

5 Hours Later

Finn and I stood in the gorilla, staring at the screen, watching what Charlotte and Seth Rollins were saying about us and Aria. Our first storyline was to be a mixed tag-team against them. I stared at the screen, trying not to cry at the hurtful things they said. I knew they weren't true and that they didn't mean them, but it still hurt.

"Baby, it's okay. They're just acting."

Finn said hugging me. All of a sudden we saw the lights go out in the arena.

"See you out there."

Finn said smiling. I smiled as I watched his entrance. He got a monster pop. As he entered the ring I couldn't help but smile from cheek to cheek.

"So, you think you two can just walk out here and make fun of my fiancée and baby girl?"

Finn started. I stared on as he continued his promo.

"Where even is your fiancée Finn? Off with your little baby? What even is her name? Abbie? Andrea?"

Seth asked Finn mid-sentence, looking at Charlotte as she shrugged her shoulders, acting like she didn't know Aria's name.

"You know what Seth, you don't need to know where my fiancée is."

Finn said. Then my music hit. I ran out and just soaked in the crowd's reaction.

"I'm back!"

I yelled as the camera panned over to me. I made my way to the ring as I spotted Aria, Sasha, and Sami in the crowd. I smiled as I walked into the ring. I kissed Finn and went to get a microphone.

"You know this is a PG show."

Charlotte added as I rolled my eyes. She had always been a great heel.

"So Charlotte and Seth, you think it's okay to make fun of a three month old baby?"

I started.

"By the way, her name is Aria."

I said, getting in Seth's face. Finn pulled me back as I sighed.

"I guess that's how pathetic you two are. You guys are such lowlife's that you have to make fun of a little baby"

I said to them.

"Well when your parents are Miss "I wanna hug everything and be your big sister." And your dad is Mr "Big bad Irish man." We're kinda just preparing her at this point."

Charlotte said.

"Do you think that really matters to us Charlotte? All that matters is our little daughter and all of them."

I said, pointing to the crowd.

"They're what got us here and Aria is what's going to keep us here."

I said.

"Look at the that little baby. Go look at that little baby and call her all the names you've called her."

I said, pointing to Sasha who had Aria in her arms. The camera man pointed the camera towards them as she smiled.

"It's not our fault that your baby is some little demon-hugger little mutant freak!"

Seth yelled in my face.

"Don't you dare talk to my fiancée like that again. And if you talk about my daughter again you will be on the ground, picking up your teeth."

Finn yelled at Seth. Next thing I knew, Charlotte and Seth went after us. But we powered back, and in the end, they were the ones scrambling out of the ring. I hopped out of the ring, took Aria out of Sasha's arms, and got back in the ring.

"Our family is much more powerful then you think."

I said, throwing the microphone at them as Finn's music played. Once we got backstage, everyone hugged us and congratulated us on a great show.

"You guys did amazing!"

Charlotte said, hugging me.

"Yeah, I'm so excited to see where this goes."

Seth said smiling.

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