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Holy crap!! 200 chapters? That's insane! Thank you guys for supporting this story! I never would've been able to have inspiration to continue writing this story everyday if it wasn't for the support from you guys. Unfortunately, I'm not able to write past 200 chapters on here BUT I will be writing a sequel! I wanna keep the story going right where it is so when I write the sequel, it's not too far off from the story now.




I called, walking around the house. I walked past Mia's old room and peeked in. I saw Finn standing there just looking around.

"You okay baby?"

I asked him.


He said. I heard the sadness in his voice when he spoke. He wasn't okay.

"You sure?"

I asked him, knowing the answer.


He said, looking at me with tears in his eyes. I instantly wrapped him in a tight hug.

"Why did this happen to us, Bay?"

Finn asked.

"I don't know."

I said, trying to think of something to say.

"Remember the other day when you told me that we shouldn't focus on the negatives right now. That we should only be looking to the future. We have so much good in our lives right now. You're the universal champ. We have amazing friends. I'm almost fully recovered from the C-Section. There are positives."

I said to him.

"I guess there is. It's just easy to become engulfed in the negativity."

Finn said.

"I know baby. But we have each other. And that's all we need right now."

I said. He kissed me as I smiled. I turned to walk out of the room but Finn wouldn't let go of my hand.

"Hey Bay?"

He asked.


"I love you."

The end.

For now. :)

Ps. Sequel is up!

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