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Seth held my hand as the doctor checked out my nose.

"It's definitely broken."

The doctor said. He placed a splint on it as Seth wiped my tears.

"It's okay baby."

He said as I sighed. After the doctor finished, Seth and I walked around to find his family.

"I look so ugly."

I said, looking at my reflection.

"You look gorgeous. I'm gonna beat Finn's ass next time I see him."

Seth said, balling his hands into fists.

"At least you don't look like a deformed freak."

I said, sighing.

"Listen, Bay."

Seth said, stopping in front of me.

"You don't look like a deformed freak. You're more beautiful then words can describe. And I'm sure your children are just as beautiful. Nothing will ever change my thoughts on how incredibly beautiful you are. I love you Bayley Devitt. No matter what last name you have or what you look like."

Seth said. I smiled as I kissed him.

"I love you too."

I said as I smiled.


I heard someone say behind us. I turned around as I saw a man and woman coming our way.

"Mom! Dad!"

He said, smiling.

"Guys I want you to meet my girlfriend, Bayley."

He said, introducing me to his parents. I shook their hands as I smiled.

"That was a nasty fall you took out there."

Seth's dad said.

"Yeah, I broke my nose unfortunately."

I said, looking down.

"Well you're still a pretty girl. We've seen you in the ring when you were fighting Seth and Charlotte a year ago. Weren't you with the same guy who knocked you down tonight?"

His mom asked.

"Uh, yeah. Finn."

I said, sighing.

"And don't you have children with him?"

His dad asked.


I said, feeling my heart get heavier.

"Seth, are you sure she's a good idea?"

I heard Seth's dad whisper in his ear.

"You know what, I'm going to go the locker room."

I said as I started to walk away. Then Seth gently pulled me back.

"Babe, don't leave."

"It's fine Seth. I love you."

I said kissing him and walking to the locker room.

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