Unexpected pregnancy

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6 months... you and Tom had been dating for 6 months that's it it wasn't even a year you'd known him for years but only dating for 6 months. Tom was already the best person you've dated he was funny and he actually had ambitions in life and he just makes you so happy.

You wake up in the morning next to Tom you had stayed at his place last night after a date night ran quite late and you couldn't really be bothered to get out of bed to just go home to another bed so Tom just told you to stay and it was definitely worth staying but as you wake up you feel so sick so you just stand up and rush into the Bathroom and throw up into the toilet.

Once you finish you just flush the toilet and then brush your teeth then you walk back into the bedroom and see Tom is still asleep so you decide to make him breakfast so you go down and make a full English breakfast for him then you go back up stairs and wake him up.

"Morning baby" you smile kissing his face

"Why are you up so early" he groans

"It's 11 Tom you need to get up I made you breakfast" you giggle, he shoots up and looks at you

"Really!!!" He says excited

"Yeah really" he stands up and he is wearing nothing but boxers you just smile then you both walk into the kitchen where the breakfast sits on the table.

"This looks amazing" he smiles kissing you then sitting down you sit opposite him and then smile and start eating but as soon as you start eating the meat you suddenly you start feeling sick again you just swallow it and then rush to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet again you feel Tom holding your hair back after about 2 minutes you finish. "Are you okay babe?" He asks

"Yeah I don't feel ill I just keep throwing up and I'm not really sure why" you say sitting on the bathroom floor unsure to what is wrong.

"Awh baby" he says sitting on the floor with you "I'm sure it's just a flu or something" he smiles kissing your cheek

"I hope so" you smile, it was so confusing how you feel fine other than when you eat or wake up.... that's when it hits you that you missed your period last week this couldn't be morning sickness could it? You didn't want to scare Tom so you didn't say anything "I think I'm gunna go home tho I just want to sleep all day I think and I don't really wanna make you ill" you lie

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yeah yeah" you smile standing up, Tom stands up to and then holds your hands and you just look up at him.

"I'll walk you home" he smiles, you wanted to get a test on the way home but you would have to wait.

"Yeah okay" you smile kissing him then you get changed into one of toms jumpers and you just put some leggings on you had left here before Tom is wearing some grey trackies and a jumper you make your way to the door and lock up then you start walking to your place hand in hand.

"So anything you think it might be?" He asks

"I'm not really sure babe, probably just a stomach bug like you said" you say lying once again you were nearly 1000% sure you were pregnant and that scared you so much.

"Well hopefully I just hope you're feeling better for our meal on Wednesday" you completely forgot about that.

"I should be baby it's fine" as you reach your front door you unlock the door and then open it and then you turn to Tom "I'm sorry that I'm not inviting you in I kinda just want to sleep" you smile

"Baby it's fine I'll just text you later okay?"

"Okay" you smile as he kisses you then he turns around and starts walking away. You walk in and then wait 10 minutes before leaving and walking to the shop once you're there you go straight to get a test pay for it and leave. Once you get back home you instantly go to the bathroom to take the test it was the longest 3 minutes of your life the timer goes off and you pick it up and it read "Pregnant" you were actually going to have a baby after only 6 months you slip down the wall and just sit there when the front door goes you leave the test on the floor and open the front door it was Tom.

"What are you doing here?!" You ask shocked

"I wanted to give you this?" He hands you some chocolate,

"Awh babe thank you" you say trying to close the door

"What's wrong babe you're not yourself"

"Tom come in but please don't freak out" you lead in into the living room "sit on the couch I'll be right back" you say walking into the kitchen and picking up the test off the floor you then walk into the living room and just pass it to him. He doesn't say anything his head just shoots up and looks at you

"I'm not mad at all.... yes it's early but everything happens for a reason so let's just see what happens but I will always be here and we will be a family no matter what" he says standing up and kissing your forehead

"I love you Tom" you hadn't said it yet so this was a huge deal

"I love you too baby" he smiles kissing you then putting his hand on your stomach

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