Red carpet crushes

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Picture is your dress 👀

You were an actress and had been since you were like 12 so you were a pro at things like Red carpet events and always having cameras in your face. Red carpet events were not a big deal in your life they became second nature so when you received a invitation to the Spider-Man Homecoming premiere you were surprisingly excited you actually really wanted to see that movie and you had a little crush on Tom Holland so him being there would be a bonus. It was the night of the premiere and you were ready to make your way to the venue with your stylist she was a good friend as well and she would always come to events with you. You were in love with your outfit for this event it was a beautiful Blue dress it was simple but you loved it. You got to the venue and made your way to the Red Carpet as you walk on the cameras start to flash

"Y/N! You look amazing!" People shout you just stand there and pose. After a while you move down the carpet, where you see Tom Doing an interview then you get pulled over to do one. After the interview you were pulled over by your stylist

"Tom Holland was talking about you!" She says

"Wait what?!" You say she pulls her phone out and clicks on the video she was sent

"It just went live watch" she plays the video

Interviewer: So Tom this is a pretty big role I guess you've had a lot of girls now that wanna date you and stuff.
Tom: Still as single as ever
Interviewer: still some nice ladies on the carpet tonight any you like the look of?
Tom: I've got to say Y/N is looking stunning tonight *blushes*
Interviewer: Well maybe you should say hello or something
Tom: Maybe later in the evening *Laughs*
Interviewer: okay thank you Tom
*End of Video*

"Oh my god!!" You have a little fan girl moment and before you know it he was stood very close to you. As you look up you make eye contact and he makes his way over.

"Hello I'm Tom" he smiles, you lean in hug him to greet him

"Y/N nice to meet you" you smile pulling away from the hug. Your stylist just walks away leaving just you and Tom "I bet you're excited Spider-Man and all"

"Yeah yeah I'm super excited actually" he scratches the back of his head "Can I say you're looking very beautiful" he smiles looking at you

"Awh thank you so much, you look very handsome tonight" you wink

"Can I be forward?" He asks

"Of course" you giggle

"I think you're so gorgeous and you seem so nice and lovely so would you like to get some coffee sometime?"

"Your asking me on a date?" You ask moving your dress a bit

"Yes I am" he laughs

"Why wait, come on let's get some pictures"
You laugh grabbing his hand and walking towards all the cameras, then he puts his arm around your wait and you just pose while he smiles. "Still up for that coffee?" You whisper to him

"Of course" he smiles back, you just scrunch your face up and with your hands you squeeze his face then he scrunches his up and you both laugh. Then you walk off the carpet hand in hand

"Well if that doesn't start a huge relationship will they won't they I don't know what will"
You laugh

"You're so funny" he laughs "Want to come and sit with me" he asks

"I would love to actually" you smile, you both link arms and make your way into the cinema room.

*Next day*
You wake up quite late into the day as you didn't back until early in the morning. You and Tom had gone out after the premiere you had gone to some clubs and got very drunk. As you pick your phone up and open it and see so many news stories about you and Tom

NEW COUPLE ALERT!!!: Tom Holland and Y/N Y/L/N have been spotted out all night.

The Sun!
Spotted!! Tom Holland and Y/N Y/L/N holding hands at the Spider-Man homecoming premiere

You just laugh to yourself and then screenshot them and send them to Tom, he had given you his phone number you send the screenshots to him

To Tom:
Wow looks like you're my new boyfriend 👀xx

From Tom:
Ayy lucky me then 😉xx

To Tom:
Looking forward to that coffee ☺️xx

From Tom:
Well I'm on my way to yours with a coffee now 😉xx

As you read the message your door goes, you just laugh then you open the door and see him smiling with 2 coffees in his hand.

"Wow you're a lifesaver" you smile taking the coffee.

"Anytime" you let him in.

You and Tom spent the rest of the day just talking and making jokes and talking about your lives. Before the end of the day you had really started to like Tom he was super sweet so you didn't want him to leave without kissing him at least once but as you were deciding when to do it Tom takes control and kisses you and it was amazing and the start of something amazing.

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