Pregnancy series- Labor

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You were 5 hours into labor now and you were starting to feel very very tired the contractions where very painful and all you wanted to do was sleep and it made you even more mad that Tom was asleep in the chair in the corner of the room. It made you very mad that he was just sleeping while you felt with all the contractions and pain that you were going through. It got to the point where you couldn't let Tom sleep anymore you were in so much pain and needed him.

"TOM!" You shout and he jumps out of his skin and then he sits up and rubs his eyes.

"Fuck sorry how long was I asleep?" He ask

"About an hour, I was going to let you sleep but Tom I can't deal with this pain alone please stay up with me" you say as he moves the chair closer to the bed and hold your hand

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have fallen asleep I'm not gonna sleep again unless you are" He kisses your hand and smiles. He didn't mean to sleep and you felt bad about being mad at him but your mood swings were worse than ever before.

As you reached the 7 hour mark Tom became very annoying to you always showing your things off his phone and being very hormonal it wasn't good to annoy you.

"Tom I'm having a contraction" you say holding your bump he gets up and holds you hand and tells you to breath through the pain, while you're having a contraction the midwife walks in

"Hey, So you're only 5cm so we have a bit longer to wait til the babies are here so why don't you get on the yoga ball and try bouncing then after an hour can you try walking around the hospital it will just get things movie a bit more" she smiles

"Thank you" you say as she leaves, you stand up out of bed and get on the yoga ball and begin bouncing as Tom moves over to the bed and sits down watching you.

"Do you wanna tell the fans this is happening?"

"Yeah sure" you smile, Tom gets his phone out and swipes onto this Instagram story ready to add then he begins talking to the camera.

"So me and Y/N Are somewhere that will change our life forever" he then flips the camera on to you so you wave "she's doing very very well" he turns it back to himself and smiles then he posts the video.

"I seriously didn't know it would hurt this bad but this is baddd pain" you say groaning not really sure how to deal with this pain you were experiencing it was horrible. Tom comes to your side and rubs your back as you breath through the next contraction

"You're doing so well babe you don't understand you're doing so good and soon we will have both the babies here I promise" he kisses the side of your head.

*24 hours in*
You were beyond tired and felt like you just wanted to push but the last thing you knew you were 7cm so you couldn't push yet. You had about 4 hours sleep and were dying it was so hard to be in so much pain with no sleep whatsoever.

"Tom I want the baby out!!" You shout as you hold your huge bump

"Do you want me to get the midwife?" You nod he rushes out of the room and comes back in with the midwife

"So you've reached the 24 hour mark and you're pushing on well" she smiles putting gloves on as she then checks how much you're dilated

"24 hours is that normal"

"It's not rare I'm afraid, we're looking at another 24 at max before we can do anything about it" you groan as her hands where still checking how much you were dilated "but good news for you're 10cm and ready to push" Tom rushes to your side and holds your hand

"Really she's ready?" He asks

"Yes Indeed she is, right let me get the covers to go under you and then I'll grab a few more nurses as you're having twins we will need more help there is nothing to worry about" she smiles leaving the room you turn to Tom and smile

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