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6 months ago you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that you called Arlo. You loved him more than anything in the world, of course you didn't expect to have a baby at your age but you loved him so much and couldn't ask for much more.

The father of your son was Tom Holland, most people knew him as the A-list celebrity who played Spider-Man. You had met Tom when you were out in London and you both hit it off before beginning to date for a year before ending 4 months ago. Tom and you didn't get along well after having Arlo you began to always clash and you thought it best for the baby that you end.

"Arlo baby please sleep baby" you cry as you rock him back and forth trying to get him to sleep as it is 4am and he is yet to actually sleep for more than 2 hours.

You felt as if you needed to snap or you were going to cry or something so you needed one thing in the world right now to help you. You lay a crying Arlo in his crib before grabbing your phone and dialling Tom's number.

Tom's POV;
**Ring Ring**
My eyes flutter open as I hear my phone ringing so I grab it and answer without even looking who it is.

"Hello?" I groan before coughing a little

"Tom I'm so sorry but please come here Arlo won't stop crying and I need help I can't do this alone" I hear Y/n cry down the phone.

"Hey hey, listen I'll be there as soon as possible okay? So calm down" I smile down the phone as I know she is hear broken right now by the sounds of her crying.

"Okay thank you" she cries as I hang up.

I climb out of bed and quickly put a top on before grabbing my car eyes and heading out of the house and down to the car. I head over to Y/n's house, she was very special to me of course she was she is the mother of my child but I am still absolutely in love with her.

I made my way to her block of flats, I didn't want her or my son to live somewhere like this I want Arlo to grow up in a big house with a massive garden for him to play in and potentially have more siblings to grow up and play with. But Y/n didn't believe we could work after our constant arguments since having Arlo.

I walk up to her door and open it before walking into the sounds of Arlo screaming. As I walk down the hallway I open Y/n's bedroom door which was the only bedroom in the flat where I see her sat on the bed her head resting on her knees as a tear falls down her face.

"Tom help me" she cries, I walk over and take Arlo from the crib and cradle him in my arms as he cries louder I decided it's best that he may need feeding

"Hey babe have you tried feeding him"

"He won't latch" she sighs looking at me tear stained cheeks. I walk over and sit next to her on the bed Arlo still crying in my arms

"Okay, babe could you just try one more time and if not we'll try the bottle" I smile as calmly as possible knowing being annoyed or even sounding slightly annoyed would cause her to snap.

"Okay"'she smiles, I hand Arlo over to her as she lifts her top and brings him to her breast before he finally latches onto her breast. "Oh my god!" She smiles looking at me with pure happiness in her eyes and my heart just melts.

"See I knew he'd be fine" I smile rubbing her hand on her leg softly.

"Sorry for making you come here for all of this" she scoffs, anyone normally would be pissed off but seeing Y/n and Arlo was enough reason to come out in the middle of the night.

"No no it's fine, I mean I guess I'll be off really"

"No!" She shouts "Please stay I don't want to be alone right now"

"Okay okay I'll stay, do you want me to sleep on the couch or?"

"No not at all please stay right here with me"

As she spoke Arlo finished his food and it was time for him to be winded so I take him off of her to wind him while she heads back to bed. I knew she didn't sleep a lot being technically a single mum so it was important she slept.

It didn't take too long for Arlo to burp so I lay him
down in bed before climbing into bed with Y/n she was facing away from me sound asleep, I just lay on my back and look at the ceiling when I feel Y/n turn around and her head falls on my chest. My heart beat speeds up as she touches me before I drift off to sleep.

Readers POV:
Your eyes open to the empty bed and the room was silent which was very strange for Arlo he would be screaming. As you sit up you see he isn't in his crib and Tom is no longer there I stand up and rush out of my room and into the small kitchen where Arlo is in his high chair and Tom is cooking breakfast.

"Oh you're up" he smiles to me "I was going to give you breakfast in bed"

"What's the time?"

"9" he smiles, you were shocked really you never slept past about 5am with Arlo he wasn't a baby that enjoyed sleeping. "I've been up since like 4:30 with him but you needed to sleep"

"Well thank you" You smile kissing his cheek, you take a seat as you take Arlo in your arms as you look over to Tom with pure love in your eyes, you really did love Tom so much. With Arlo in your arms you head over to Tom tapping his shoulder as he turns around

"Kiss me" you say

"What?" He asks shocked

"I love you so much Tom so kiss me"

Tom leans in and kisses your lips softly before pulling away and smiling at you.

"I love you too, so please move back with me I need you and need Arlo to stay with me I hate you two staying here and me not here with you so please?"

"Of course" you smile back as Tom leans in and kisses Arlo's forehead before then kissing yours as well.

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