Pregnancy series- Talking babies home/First night

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After a long painful birth you just wanted to be home and rested but you had spent the past few days in the hospital as you had lost a lot of blood so you were asked to stay behind for a few days just to make sure that you didn't faint or anything like that. But today you were told that you could go home and Tom was happy about this as he had been sleeping the a chair for the past 3 days he didn't want to leave you and the babies. You sat on the hospital bed packing up your things when River begins to cry you walk over to the crib she is laid in and pick her up and rock her for a few minutes when she falls back asleep, you had already discovered that Hudson slept a lot more than River in the three days that they had been alive.

Once you lay River back in her crib the door open and in walks Tom and Harrison with the two car seats as you weren't allowed to carry anything heavy so Harrison came to help take the babies home. Harrison had met the kids on the day they were born along with Tom's parents and Brothers

"Hey Y/N" Harrison smiles putting the car seat down, Tom does the same but he walks over to
You and pecks your lips

"Hey babe" he smiles

"So how have the babies been?" Harrison asks walking to the crib and admiring them both in there cribs

"Good, Hudson loves to sleep he takes after Tom for that one" you giggle as Tom comes over and hugs you from behind "I mean Tom isn't going to be getting a lot of sleep in the near future"

"Ooo he's gunna hate that" Harrison laughs and Tom then shoots him a dirty look

"I'm right here guys" he throws his hands in the air when Hudson wakes up and begins crying and as River is a light sleeper she wakes and begins to cry as well, you walk over to the crib and get River out of the crib passing her to Tom then you lift Hudson up and rock him as Tom does the same with River

"Wow I could never imagine seeing Tom holding a baby and I can't wait until River starts to date" Harrison jokes and you laugh along but Tom didn't look happy

"She's not going to date" he snaps

"Alright before Tom starts ranting can we get home because I really just want to nap in my own bed" you say picking up the empty car seat from the floor and placing it on the bed as you place Hudson in it and clipping him in as you do so you see Tom place River in hers. "Harrison dear can you please take Hudson while I grab the clothes bag" he nods coming over to you and picking up Hudson's car seat and placing it on his arm.

"Here I'll take that" Tom says, he takes the bag from you and places it on his shoulder as he picks River's car seat up. "We ready?" He asks

"Yeah" you nod.

Once you got home Harrison and Tom places the babies in the living room on the floor so you sit down on the floor as you take River and Hudson out of their car seats as you lay them on there play mat. You just laid on the floor leaning on your arm looking at the babies as they moved and made little noises and you just smile your finger running along Rivers Face.

"Guys I'll see you later and good luck for your first night at home" Harrison waves

"Bye Thank you for your help" you wave as Harrison leaves then Tom walks into the living room and lays on the other side of the mat by Hudson

"They're beautiful" He smiles looking up at you

"We did well" you return to him as you smile, you loved Tom so much and having the babies Just heightened that love. "I love you"

"I love you too" He smiles back "right let me get a picture of this moment" he get his phone out of his pocket and he takes a picture of the babies

"I love you too" He smiles back "right let me get a picture of this moment" he get his phone out of his pocket and he takes a picture of the babies

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Liked by Nikkihollandphotography, harryholland64 and 54,772 others

@Tomholland2013: Babies Are home wish us luck for our first night at home 🤣

If got to about 9 and you were struggling to keep yours eyes open as you help Hudson in your arms and you needed to sleep or you would go crazy

"I'm going to bed are you coming?" You ask standing up with Hudson still in your arms as you look at Tom holding River in his arms.

"Yeah" he stands, you both make your way up stairs with the babies in your arms as you walk into the master bedroom you couldn't wait to get to bed, there where cribs in your room as they would be for the 1st 6 months of the babies lives. You place Hudson in his crib as Tom places River in hers and once they're rested you climb right into bed and Tom is too far behind you cuddle up to him and fall asleep fairly quick.

*11 Pm*
The cries of River woke you both you sit up and walk over to her picking her out of her bed and hushing her to sleep as she wouldn't stop it woke Hudson as well and he begins to cry so Tom moves from your side and grabs Hudson rocking him like you did with River.

"Check his nappy" you say to Tom, nodding Tom walks over to the changing table as he check his nappy

"Yep he's shit"

"Then change him" you giggle as River began to calm down before crying again, you take a seat on the bed lifting your shirt up as she attaches her lips to your breast as she began to feed.

"I changed him" Tom tells you placing Hudson back to bed and when River finished feeding you place her back to bed.

This time it was Hudson that woke and he was wide awake and didn't want to go to sleep but you gave it a good go as Tom slept but it got to 4 am and he still wasn't asleep

"Tom" you whisper hitting him awake

"Hmm" he stirs awake

"Hudson doesn't want to sleep so I'm gunna head downstairs with him if he is still awake at 7 we're swapping" you tell him and he nods his head falling back on the pillow, you sigh as you carry Hudson downstairs.

*7 Am*
You had been awake with Hudson for 4 hours and you were so tired as Hudson hadn't been back to sleep so you carry him back up stairs where you see Tom sat awake with River in his arms

"How long have you been up" you sit down next to him

"Not long, how about you go back to bed and I'll wake you up in a bit" he smiles

"Thank you" you smile, you help Tom take the babies downstairs "don't let me sleep too much" you lean in and peck his lips

"I won't sleep well bub" he smiles as you head back to bed. You knew sleep wouldn't be something you would be getting much of for the next few years.

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