Happy birthday Tom

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A day late but work is taking over my life x

You and Tom had been dating for the past 9 months and he was the first real boyfriend you had ever had so it was shocking for you to love someone the way you love Tom. You had met him during a very difficult time in your life and to have him support you through everything meant the world.

Tom wasn't going to be in the UK for his birthday and that made you very upset as you knew it was very unlikely that you would get the time off work so it made you upset that you may not even get to see him on his birthday.

"Like not even if I phone them and ask?" Tom asks as he lays on the bed rubbing your leg as you sit up looking at him.

"I don't think they'll say yes Tom, Jordan already has them days off there is no way they will allow it" you sigh your hands running through his hair "I'm sorry baby" you pout

"I just want you to come with me, it will be good with Harry and Sam but I want you to come"

"Just enjoy Bali baby, I'll call you and then we can just celebrate when you're home" you smile leaning down and kissing his lips

"Okay" he sighs accepting defeat.
It was the day Tom was leaving to go to Bali for the next few weeks on a press tour for Spider-Man and the fact it was his birthday while he was out there did upset you a little as you couldn't go.

"Just have fun" you smile hugging Tom before he had to get the plane

"I will, I'll call you when we land in Doha" he smiles kissing your lips. There were 2 flights he had to get so after the first one he had promised he'd call.

"Okay, have a safe flight" you smile kissing him before he hugs his mum who was next to you then him and his brothers walk off and through security waving them off.

"He's going to struggle without you" Nikki giggles as she turns to you. Both you and Nikki where really close she loved you a lot like a daughter.

"Let's hope not, he's a grown man he will be 23 when he's back" you smile

"So you really can't go"

At that comment you giggled and you couldn't really keep it in anymore.

"Well" you smile

"Oh my god! Wow he's going to freak out you know that?"

"I know, Harry and Sam have helped me plan it all and Tom has no clue"

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow, so I need you to back me saying my phone is broken I'm going to tell him it broke a few hours before my flights so it gives me a reason to not answer him"

"Of course" she smiles.

You had just arrived at the airport and Sam had agreed to come get you. As soon as you landed you called Sam and he informed you that he was outside the airport.

The airport wasn't the biggest so it didn't take long for you to head from security to just outside the airport where Sam waited with a taxi.

"Hey!" You smile rushing over to Sam before hugging him tightly, You hated travelling alone so seeing a familiar face was the best thing.

"How was your flight?" Sam asks as he opens the door for you, as you climb inside he takes your bag into the trunk before climbing into the car as well.

"It was alright, how is Tom?"

"He was still asleep when I left, classic birthday boy getting a lay in" he scoffs with a slight giggle.

As it was Tom's birthday you got your phone out and text him happy birthday and that you missed him knowing he was still asleep you didn't expect a reply.

"I'm so happy you're here, it will finally shut him up he hasn't stopped about how much he missed you"

"Aw" you smile at Sams comment.

It was about an hour later when you arrive at the resort, it was 8am in Bali and you were tired from the flights but all you wanted to do was see Tom right now.

You and Sam get out the car and he leads you to Tom's room, you had been given a key to the room so you open the door and make your way inside. It was a classic thing to see that Tom was in bed but his curtains where open and the sun was beaming through.

You smile seeing Tom sound asleep the covers hardly even on him, Tom was only wearing boxers this made you blush a little.

You walk over to the bed before climbing on top of Tom so you straddle him, the second you are sat on him his eyes shoot open.

"Y/n!" He shouts sitting up before wrapping his arms around you, you just giggle Tom then flips you two over in a way so you're now under him. "What the hell are you doing here!"

"Happy birthday baby!" You giggle

"Oh my god" he leans down and kisses your lips over and over again "I love you so much"

"I love you too"

"I can't believe you're here!" He says so shocked

"I couldn't miss your birthday could I?"


Tom was in pure shock that you had even come all this way just for his birthday, but he didn't even know how much he meant to you. For the next few hours you and Tom just cuddled in bed and caught up on what he had been doing.

"So what are we doing today?" You ask playing with Tom's hands as you laid on his chest.

"Scuba diving, going round the island and then me and you can have dinner at a restaurant and then come back here and do all kinds of things" he winks at you, you giggle at him as he kisses your neck.

"Let's get up come on"

You and Tom had spent the entire day just enjoying one another's company and it was one of the best days of your life. It was nearly the end of Tom's birthday and you and all his friends and family out in Bali had just finished your meal and now you both where heading back to Tom's room.

After more than a few glasses of champagne you and Tom where tipsy Tom worse than you. You made your way into the hotel room and it wasn't long til Tom was pushing you on to the bed.

"Tom" You giggle as he kisses down your body

"Baby come on"

"No baby, you're drunk and so am I let's save it for tomorrow" you smile but before he could even argue back he was asleep.

You smile looking at him sleep, you take your phone out and take a picture of him sleeping before posting the picture on your Instagram story with the caption; 'Happy Birthday baby 🌟'

You then tuck yourself in bed and lay your head on Tom's chest before drifting off to sleep.

Our baby is now 23 :(

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