How you meet (Again)

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Your parents had gone away on holiday for a few weeks so before they left they had dropped your old family pet to your place in London as you couldn't go down to your home town as you had work but you wanted to help them out as much as you could. You had just come back from a long shift at work but your dog was so hyper so you decided to take him out on a walk, you found a field where he could run for a bit so you just let him off his lead to do his thing. As you are following with a lot of space between you both you see him playing with another dog so you make your way over just in case the owner has a problem with it.

"Hey, sorry" you say, about to grab your dog

"No no it's fine let them play" the cute boy smiles. "It's nice to see she gets to play with someone most people think she is scary" he scratches the back of his head as he looks at your dog.

"Same with him" you say realising they are he same breed.

"Sorry what's for name if I ask" he smiles


"I'm Tom, So you from around here?" He asks as your dogs just play on the ground.

"Not originally but I live here now for work" he just nods his cute little face, he was super hot

"Oh that's cool what do you do May I ask?"

"I'm a midwife"

"Your young to be a midwife aren't you?"

"Yeah I guess, but I did a shorter version of the course therefore finished earlier and now I'm working" The dogs had started running now so you just decided to follow them while you talk "so what do you do?" You ask

"Well I am an actor" he smiles

"Wow really any thing I might know?" You ask

"Erm, The impossible... oh and Spider-Man?" He says you felt so stupid

"Fucking hell you must think I'm an idiot" you laugh

"No it's actually nice you didn't know"

"I've actually seen this impossible a lot it's a really good film I cried like a baby though"

"It's fine so did my mum"

"Well that's good that I'm not the only one, makes me feel less like a whimp" you giggle, the air was getting colder and you only had a jumper on.

"So how often do you work?" He asks

"Every other day, so I can sleep because I work nights most the time but today I worked during the day, it's very different to a normal job but I love it so much"

"That's pretty cool though"

"Your job seems cooler tho" you laugh

"Yeah my jobs pretty cool" he just laughs along with you "so where abouts do you live?" He asks

"You see them houses there?" You point over


"There" you smile

"Nice houses, you live with your boyfriend?" He asks

"Oooo" you say in a pain filled voice


"That was the worst way ever to ask if I was single" you start laughing

"It wasn't that bad"

"Yes it was" you continue to laugh

"Okay then let me be manly" he coughs and stands with his arms folded and then looks at you "You single babe?" You just burst out laughing

"Okay...yes I am single but I'm not gunna go on a date with that you" you laugh

"Well thank you for letting me know your single, so do you wanna get coffee or something?" He ask

"As long as you don't do that stupid voice"

"I promise" he smiles

"Well then a coffee sounds amazing" you smile at him,

"I should actually get going and take Tessa home but once she's home how about I come pick you up" he says putting the lead back on Tessa so you decided to put the lead back on Your dog. As you both walk out of the field you get back onto the road

"Well give me your house number and I will be round soon" he winks, you write on his phone your address and then you hand his phone back over and wink at him

"I'll see you in a bit" you turn around and start walking home. Once you're home you take the lead and harness off the dog you make your way upstairs and get changed into some ripped jeans and a jumper then you top up your make up and then head downstairs to eat a little bit of food before you go out but while your eating there was a knock at the door you finish your mouthful and unlock the door and see Tom smiling.

"Looking gorgeous"

"Oh shh" you grab your jacket and shut the door behind you and lock the door. "So what's the plan for tonight?"

"I was thinking a nice meal but then I realised I'm not into that shit so kebab house and eating it in the park under the stars?" He asks

"Sounds bloody perfect" you smile. Once you got your kebab you and Tom make your way to the park, you find the most perfect spot sit down and start eating the food.

"So can I ask why you live out here now?" He asks,

"Well I came up here for university and got a temporary Job as a midwife here and I just fell in love with the people and job and realised there was no point moving back down just to try and love my job as much as I love this one so I phoned my mum and much to her dismay I decided to stay, got a nice house and now I am here" you smile

"Wow... Right can I ask you something"

"Of course"

"Being a midwife, is it not weird always being down there"

"No because it's all baby really you don't see as much as you'd think" you laugh

"Okay thank you for clearing that up"

"Let me ask you a question"

"Go ahead"

"Being an actor, what is it like do you not get like scared of acting in front of people?"

"I mean I love acting in front of people so for me it's not but in the beginning yes it was hard now I love it" he smiles

"I love how nice you are can I say"

"As are you"

After a long talk about the most random things in life it got to about 12 and you were still sat in the park just talking and it was amazing because you had not had a connection with someone like you did with him.

"Right should I walk you home" he says standing up he holds his hand out for you so you take his hand as he pulls you up, you both start making your way home hand in hand once you get to your front door you just turn around and look at tom.

"Thank you for such a good night" you smile

"No thank you for being so amazing" he smiles, it was a bit of awkward silence then Tom just leans in and your lips touch it was a magical moment and you loved how this moment felt, you pulled away and just smiled at him

"Definitely do this again" you smile

"Definitely" you peck his lips once more then you open the door and walk in you just shut the door and smile a huge smile. Your dog comes running over and licks your face

"Thank you dog!!" You smile kissing him.

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