Pregnancy series- Finding out the gender

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You and Tom where so excited you were now 21 weeks pregnant and it was hopefully the scan where you would find out the gender, the last scan you had the baby was in the wrong position so there was no way of telling so you hoped and prayed that this would be the time where you could find out what gender you were having. You were dressed and ready to go but Tom was still asleep as he was up late trying to get you some food but when he came home you were already asleep, so you sneak into the bedroom and gently shake him awake

"Tom baby"

"Hmm" he grunts hardly even awake

"Tom we have the scan in like an hour" his eyes shoot open and he looks at you with a huge smile on his face

"Oh fuck yes" he smiles getting up and getting changed very very fast. You just smile standing up off the floor and sitting on the bed your hand resting on your bump that was getting very big now and it was very obvious you were pregnant. "You look so beautiful" he says looking at you on The bed

"I have no make up on" you laugh

"No just naturally like pregnancy really suits you" he comes over and kisses you, you kiss him back and before you know it you and Tom are fully making out on the bed him hovering over you and his hand moving down to your underwear when the phone goes. "AHHHHH" he screams you just laugh pushing him off of you and getting the phone.

"Hello....yeh sure we will be there as quick as" you smile putting the phone down. "Come on horny they want us there earlier" you smile walking in front of him out of the bedroom he just smacks your ass cheeky you turn round and smirk

"Later please" He asks pouting.

"Fine later" you smile taking his hand.

You arrive at the hospital and are now sat in the little room waiting for your midwife to come in.

"Hello how are we" She smiles walking in

"Very good"

"Wow you're looking very pregnant now" she smiles you just rub your bump "okay there is something I need to check so can you lay down and we will have a look at baby" you frown wondering if anything is wrong but you lift your shirt up

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes yes there is nothing wrong but the last technician questioned me on something and I need to check" your baby comes up on the screen as she loves the stick around your stomach

"Is there anyway to tell the gender this time"

"Yes I have two sets of news actually"

"And That is?" Tom asks holding your hand

"Okay, So whenever we have scanned you this baby here has been blocking something very important that we needed to know about"

"What is it? Is the baby okay?" You ask panicked

"The baby is more than fine but they were blocking another baby" you just lay there in shock wondering what to say

"So we're having twins?" Tom asks

"Yes" she smiles

"Oh my god" he says you look over and see he is so happy

"I'm in shock" you say Tom Just leans over and kisses you "We are actually having twins? Two babies?"

"You are And now they're in the right position I can tell you the gender of both if you would like to know them" you look at Tom and he was nodding his head so fast it might nearly fall off

"Yes please" you giggle

"So this baby here" she says pointing to the screen "is a boy" a tear comes to your eye and Tom squeezes your hand

"Yes!!!" Tom cheers as the midwife laughs

"And this baby here" she says moving the picture to get the other baby into shot "Is a little girl"

"We have one of each" you smile sitting up and hugging Tom as you cry

"Congratulations Guys" She smiles

"Thank you so much" you smile at her, she leave to get some pictures for you of both babies

"My mum is going to have a heart attack when we tell her" Tom laughs, after all this time you were having two babies with the man you loved so dearly

Any names guys??? I love really unique names so here are ones I like comment ones you're thinking and I'll narrow it down.



Don't judge my weird names😂

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