Exes and friends

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Tom was different these past few days he had been distant from you. You had been together for the past year and you loved Tom more than anything, when you met him he was madly in love with Zendaya but he soon realised that she didn't love him back.

That's when you came into the picture and Tom fell in love with you, it wasn't long until you moved in together and it was all good until the past few days when Tom had been staying out late and even when he came in he would wait till you were asleep before heading to bed.

"Tom?" You groan as you lay next to him in bed his back facing you.

"Hmm" He replies still half asleep

"Look at me" he turns around and smiles cocking his eyebrow to ask what you wanted. "I love you so much Tom" you say cupping his cheek before kissing his lips

"Woah you're being loving this morning" he giggles

"It's been awhile" you smirk, you and Tom hadn't slept together in a few weeks and it was safe to say you were indeed of Tom.

"It has" he smiles back.

You waste no time climbing on top of Tom so you're straddling him. Tom leans up and kisses you passionately as he runs his hands up your shirt and over your back before pulling your top off and throwing it across the room.

"Eager" You giggle

"Shut up" he laughs back before attaching his lips to your neck.

Things escalate very quickly and before you know it Tom's flipped you over and is now inside you thrusting in and out as you moan. Your nails digging into his back in pleasure

"Fuck Tom faster" he speeds up

"Fuck Z"

In that moment you both stop you look up to him and he looks at you both shocked as to what just happened, you push him off of you and grab your shirt from the floor before rushing to the bathroom and locking yourself inside.

"Y/n open up please" Tom shouts banging on the door but you were in shock, never has he ever done this before and you're broken at the fact he thought about Zendaya while you were having sex.

"Go away!" You say trying your best not to cry

"No please Y/n let me explain"

Standing up you walk to the door and open it walking out and heading over to the bed and sitting down.


"Y/n for a while now I've been thinking about Zendaya a lot and I know she doesn't love me but while filming late the other day she told me how jealous she was of you and how she loved me and ever since then I've been thinking about how I still love her but I also love you but you don't deserve that"

"So what are you saying?"

"I want to love you and I do but I love her more and I'm so sorry"

"No you can't help it" you sigh "I guess I'll leave"

"No no, this is your home more than mine, you're here more than me you've decorated it so it's not fair for me to take it"

You just nod looking at him, Tom was the love of your life and how were you supposed to be without him.

**2 Years later**
From the day Tom left you, you thought you'd be alone forever but in-fact you had met the most amazing man who looks after you day in day out, his name was Harry, Harry styles actually.

Tom was with Zendaya and they seemed happy enough with one another and you were happy as anything. You still saw Tom a lot and you guys were friends but both Harry and Zendaya hated this they thought you still loved one another.

"Remember you just ran for it" you giggle holding your champagne in your hand laughing at Tom.

You were currently at the met ball and you had bumped into Tom and Zendaya and now you and Tom were taking a trip down memory lane but Zendaya and harry were stood there awkwardly.

"Oh my god that night was crazy"

"It really was" you smirk to him both knowing that was the night of the best sex both of you had ever had.

"We better be going actually I see Niall" Harry smiles his hand on your back as he pushes you slightly to walk away

"Well we'll see you later" Zendaya smiles you just look at Tom with a smile

"See you later" you and Tom both say at the same time before Harry escorts you away from the couple.

You loved Harry but there was a bit of you that loved Tom still. But of course he loved Zendaya and it clearly didn't work between you two for a reason.

"You look so good by the way" Harry whispers in your ear as he looks at your body in your satin dress his hand resting on your hip. "That dress looks good but I'll rip it off later" you just smile at him with a slight giggle.

"We haven't got long left til you can" you smile walking with Harry to greet more and more people.

It became later and later and Harry become drunker and drunker you began to get annoyed with him so you left him and just headed off alone.

"Why are you alone?" You turn around and see Tom standing there behind you

"Harry is drunk" you sigh taking a seat on a step

"And? We used to get drunk together all the time why don't you just get drunk with him"

"Not in the mood, where is Zendaya?"

"I don't even know" he sighs talking a seat on the step next to you.

There is silence for quite awhile until Tom finally speaks once again.

"How are you and Harry?"

"Good I mean I love him and we're a good couple I think what about you and Z?"

"Erm yeah not too bad, I mean we haven't had sex in a month but other than that good"

"A month?"

"Yeah I mean it's probably because we're getting older like do you and Harry still?"

"Only 3 times a week"

"Only?!" Tom asks shocked

"It used to be every day"

"Wow you're clearly getting it makes than me" He giggles

"Yeah I guess"

"I think we used to do it too much"

"Never" You giggle, looking at Tom you still felt a lot there with him.

Looking at him for a few seconds an you had the urge to kiss him and clearly it was the same for him as he began to lean in and just before your lips touched you moved away.

"We can't"

"I know I'm sorry" he says "I should go" he says standing up and walking away from you.

Finally you make your way back to Harry and he was drunk very drunk by this point so you thought it was best you took him home. As you place him into the car you look up to see Tom and Zendaya leaving hand in hand you sigh before getting in the car with your boyfriend Harry.

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