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Tom being such an amazing and popular actor did effect your relationship quite a bit as he was away 50% of the time, 40% of the time you were being followed by paparazzi and the last 10% was when you two where alone in either one of your apartments.

You loved Tom more than anything in the world and that is the reason you would never leave him no matter how much he was away. Tom had been home for 2 weeks without any interruptions and in that time you had forgotten what it was like for him to be away.

"You're beautiful" Tom smiles down to you as you lay on his bare chest.

You were naked as was Tom the sheets on the bed covered your naked bodies. It was early morning and you and Tom had just had some fun now you just laid there cuddling each other.

"You're handsome" you giggle.

"You're sexy as fuck!" He says aggressively back in a joking manor as you burst out laughing. "Baby"

"Yeah" you say looking up to him

"I'm flying out tomorrow" he sighs, you push yourself up in shock and frown at him.

"What!? Where?!" You gasp not knowing anything about this

"Hawaii for a golf thing with my dad, Sam and Harry"

"Why didn't you tell me?" You say very disheartened, it hurt you that Tom just didn't tell you about this he usually would warn you weeks in advance.

"I forgot" he mumbles

"Tom!!" You groan laying back down in a strop

"Sorry babe I really I didn't mean to forgot to tell you but it's only for a few days"

"A few days is too long"

"I know I'm sorry but..." all of a sudden Tom pauses in thought

"Speak then Tom!" You snap so annoyed at him in this moment in time.

"Come with me"

"What?" You ask with a gasp

"Come on I'll add you to the flight, you can come watch me play and I'm sure it would be nice to spend some more time with my dad I mean he really likes you as it is"

"What about Tess?"

"My mum can have her, please come I'm begging you babe"

"Fine!" You smile jumping on him hugging him tightly as he pulls you tightly against him.

It was the next day and you were at the airport with Tom, Sam and Harry and Dom. You were so happy to be here with Dom  you really wanted him to like you a lot even though you knew he liked you, you wanted him to really really like you.

"Have you ever been to Hawaii before?" Dom asks you as you're cuddled up to Tom your arm is linked as your head leans on his shoulder.

"No never" you giggle "Are you guys excited to play golf out there?"

"I mean Of course" Sam giggles

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