Pregnancy series: Finding out/Telling Tom

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You and Tom had been trying for another baby for the past 3 months, River and Hudson has started school so you've been trying while they have been at school nearly everyday. You were worried why you weren't getting pregnant, wondering if there was something wrong with you.

It was 7am and you had just gotten up to start getting the kids up and ready for school, Tom was out of town doing a press tour for a few days around the UK. You got up and got the uniforms ready along with some breakfast before waking the kids up and the Chaos began.

"Hudson no!" You shout as he begins to lick inside the Nutella jar "Don't do that!"

"Mummy my hair looks messy!" River shouts and you can sense a tantrum coming

"What! No it doesn't it looks likes mummy's hair, do you think mummy's hair is messy?"

"No mummy your hair is pretty" she smiles you take a breath of relief.

This always happened and the same thing every time helped resolve it, she idolised you so much that if you compared anything she didn't like to yourself she'd sure as hell love it soon.

"Right Hudson go and get another shirt for mummy to iron because you've got chocolate all over that one!" You sigh as he gets up and runs to get another shirt.

River sits there eating her cereal you continue to make Hudson's food while he entered with another shirt so you lift him onto the seat as he starts eating you head to iron the clothes.

As you begin to iron them when all of a sudden a sickness wave comes over you so you bolt to the toilet and throw up your breakfast all in the toilet you do this a few times before you feel better.

"Mummy!" You hear the kids shout, you wipe your mouth clean and the brush your teeth before you head back downstairs.

"Hey kids come on it's time to go" you say forgetting about being sick you knew you would be late if you waited any longer.

Loading the kids into the car you begin to drive them off to school. The whole way you felt like you were going to throw up but you held it in some how until the kids were off at school you drove all the way home feeling like you were going to throw up everywhere.

As soon as you entered the house you ran straight to the bathroom and throw up again and again for about 5 minutes.

"Oh god" you groan leaning against the wall, you had no idea what was wrong with you right now.

You didn't feel ill you just kept throwing up and it made you feel a bit worried as to why this was happening.

Your train of thought was interrupted by your phone ringing, you grab it from your pocket and see it's Tom so you answer right away.


"Hey baby" Tom says on the other end of the phone

"Hey tom" you say with a slight smile on your face

"You okay?"

"Been sick a little this morning but I don't know why" you sigh getting up from the floor.


"What?" You snap

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?" That's when it hits you that you hadn't taken a test in over 2 weeks so this sure could mean you were pregnant.

"I'll call you back" you say before hanging up quickly and rushing to the cabinet to grab a test.

Once you take the test you sit and wait for the three minutes and getting flashbacks from last time you did this and it came up positive you were so happy and then 9 months later you had your two babies.

The alarm to tell you the test was ready goes off so you stand up and take the test in your hand where you see the best new possible

+ pregnant 3 weeks

You grab your phone and dial Tom's number right away and it was only one or two rings before he answers as fast as possible.

"I'm pregnant Tom!"

"What! Really!" He shouts "oh my god yessss"

"Yeah 3 weeks" you squeal very happy.

"Oh my god I'm coming home for the weekend I need to see you"

"Okay okay as long as you can come back though"

"Yeah I'll be back tonight baby I promise" he says down the phone as you smile.

"Alright well I'll see you later love you bye"

You hang up and just look at the test once more before smiling uncontrollably.

**Later that Night**
The kids were home and watching a movie you just look at your two kids and you were so excited to be welcoming yet another baby into the world.

"I'm home!!!" You hear Tom shout as he walks through the front door, you stand up and run over to him wrapping your legs around his waist as you kiss him.

"I've missed you!!!!!!" You shout

"Hey I've missed you too and wow I can't believe we're having a baby"

"Another beautiful baby" you smile,

"Daddy!!" The kids run to hug Tom as he puts you down he then picks up his two kids in his arms.

"I've missed you two" He smiles kissing both their cheeks.

After greeting Tom the kids head back to watch their movie and you walk into the kitchen with Tom to make a drink for him.

"So how was your past few days?"

"Good actually, but I've missed you loads"

"I've missed you too" you smile "So when are we gonna tell the kids?"

"How about the weekend we don't want them telling the kids at school before we get to tell everyone else so let's do it all this weekend"

"I mean we could have anyone round this weekend to tell them?"

"Sounds perfect" you smile kissing his lips as his hand moves to your stomach

"I can't wait for this"

"Neither" You smile kissing his lips once again.

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