West end!!

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Oliver is one of my favourite films and musicals there is a video linked for my two favourite songs in the movie so give it a listen if you haven't seen the movie already.

You had been acting since you were very very young and you had always enjoyed acting it was something you had wanted to peruse your whole life but auditions and actually getting acting jobs was hard... that was until it was announced that the West end was re casting for Oliver! You decided to wing it and audition for the role of Nancy you didn't have much hope as it was one of the biggest parts so you were in complete shock when you got the call saying that you had gotten the role. Over the past 5 months you had been rehearsing for the show and tonight was opening night and you were terrified about the show.

"Leave him alone bill!" You scream in your character as you defended Oliver, it was your final scene and nearly the end of the play. As you screamed your line the actor playing bill Sykes grabbed you and took you behind a wall as he pretended to beat you leaving you 'dead' but as the rest of the scene continued you crawled off stage. After the show finished you walked back on to take a final bow then you head back stage to get undressed from the costume when your agent walks into your dressing room

"Y/N" she asks as you sit at the mirror taking out the millions of Bobbie pins out of your hair

"Yeah" you say continuing what you're doing just looking at her in the mirror

"Erm can you put this on and then there is an after party for the cast and VIP guests" she tells you but you already knew this and you had chosen not to go as you hated parties and Just the idea of being around a load of people you didn't like nor know

"I know I didn't want to go"

"Well you are I'm sorry but you're not going to make friends if you don't go" you just sigh laying your head onto the table and banging it lightly "get ready and I will wait outside" she turns on her heel and you just groan as you turn to look at the outfit and it was a tight black dress with a high neck she had given you worse to wear before. You put the dress on and look in the mirror but you didn't feel like it was you so you grabbed your classic Dark blue Sergio Tacchini Dallas track suit top then you grab some wedge heels and walk out of the dressing room.

"I'm ready!" You say sarcastically

"You're not wearing that stupid jacket"

"Fuck off" you didn't care about your agent you hated her she just wouldn't let you be yourself.

You made your way to the hired bar where the party would be and as you walked in everyone cheered, everyone was intoxicated and you could smell the alcohol on everyone and this was the reason why you didn't want to be here so you made your way to the bar and ordered a beer as you sat at the bar you felt someone tap your shoulder so you turn round and see someone you didn't expect...Tom Holland you had loved him for so long and his work you really did look up to him.

"Hey" He smiles taking a seat next to you and you tried to calm yourself

"Oh hey, Tom Right?" You ask giggling holding your hand out and he shakes it with a smile on his face

"Yeah I just wanted to say that you were amazing tonight I mean you have a hell of voice"

"Thank you so much, so what you doing here then at the stingy bar" you giggle

"Well I wasn't going to miss telling you how amazing you really were and it seems cool I mean your cast mates seem like fun" he smiles looking around the room at the cast dancing around

"They're pretty cool but I don't really do parties"

"I never used to but you get used to them, can I say I love this jacket" he tells you looking down at your jacket

"Well thank you, I mean i like to stand out as much as I can" you wink and he just smiles at you taking a sip "I have to say that I do love your work and I have kinda looked up to you Mr Billy Elliot" and Tom Just laughs as you lightly push him playfully

It got later into the night and you and Tom had been talking for hours and you also had drank a lot and you became very tipsy and when that happened you became flirtatious.

"So Tom can I get your number then?" You blurt out

"Of course" He giggles as he wasn't as drunk he found it very funny how drunk you were "Listen you're very drunk about about I walk you home?"

"Of course" you giggle. Once you stand up we'll stumble up Tom catches you and laughs as you stumble trying to walk but you couldn't really so Tom helped.

You made your way down the street trying to keep your balance when you made it back to your place and once you unlock the door you turn to Tom

"Thank you Tom and I hope to see you again so please call me" You smile and tom just laughs

"I'll see you tomorrow? How about?"

"Perfect" You lean in and kiss him passionately and he smiles into the kiss "bye Tom" you wave shutting the door

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