Pregnancy series: Finding out the Gender

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21 weeks

Today was it you would finally find out what gender your new little baby would be, you didn't mind at all if it was a boy or a girl you already had one of each so you didn't mind. You knew that Tom didn't care too much either you just wanted a healthy baby.

Of course the twins had a preference as they were kids. River wanted a girl and Hudson wanted a boy and you knew whatever it would be the other would be upset. You had to find a way to tell them that wouldn't let the other down, but right now all you wanted was to find out what you were having.

"Morning gorgeous" Tom smiles as he walks behind you kissing your cheek. You where in the kitchen eating breakfast with the kids Tom had a lay in as he had been doing so much for you and the kids.

"Hey baby how are you" you smile as Tom pours himself some cereal before sitting down at the breakfast table.

"I'm very excited about today" you smile, your bump was growing bigger by the day and it was clear you were pregnant now. "We're gonna take the kids to your mums for 11 and be at the hospital for 12 is that all good?"

"Yeah perfect"

You head upstairs after breakfast with the kids you tell Hudson to go play while you got River ready for the day. She was a big diva and always needed the biggest tutu's and sunglasses so you always got her ready first.

"What we wearing today then?" You ask her getting to her level

"This!" She says grabbing a big yellow tutu

"Okay" you giggle helping her get dressed.

Once she was dressed and ready to go you headed to her Hudson changed before seeing Tom had already done it. So you head into your room to grab a jumper and joggers to wear to the appointment as you just wanted to be comfortable.

"We all ready to go!" Tom shouts as the kids gather at the door, Hudson wore some shorts with a iron man shirt on.

"Yeahhhhh!" They shout in sync

It wasn't a long drive to Nikki and Dom's place as your house was only round the corner, you make it without any fuss and before you know it the kids are running into the house.

"Nanny!! Grandad!" They shout running into the arms of Dom and Nikki, you and Tom stand back smiling as his hand lands on your back.

"They've missed you" Tom giggles "Mum, Dad we have to go to the appointment but we will be back with the gender news"

"You're finding out?" She asks wide eyed

"Yeah" you giggle "What do you think it is?"

"Boy" she smiles

"Boy" Dom agrees

"I think so as well" you giggle, Tom nods to agree and that kind of settled it you all thought you were having boy.

Once you and Tom arrived at the hospital you were sat in the waiting area. His hand lays on your stomach as he just stares ahead of you while you just look at him with a smile.

You loved Tom with all your heart and him being the best dad meant so much to you, so many people wouldn't be able to cope with twins along with a huge career and another baby on the way.

"Hey, are you like nervous?" Tom whispers to you

"No? Why should I be?"

"No! But like I've never had this done to me I just wanted to see if it's nerve racking" he giggles, Tom really was a child at heart and it made you smile so much.

"Y/n Y/l/n!" A nurse shouts as you both stand up and make your way into the side room where your midwife sat

"Hello" you smile to Dr Jones who stood to shake both your hard

"Hello, how are you all? How's the baby?" She asks you as you lay down on the bed lifting your shirt up a little.

"We're doing well and the baby is good, growing a lot" you giggle, Tom comes to your side before taking your hand

"Okay so we're going to have a little look at baby on the scan" dr Jones smiles as she begins the scan.

The gel was cold and you never got over how that felt you hold Tom's hand tightly while getting used to the temperature. Looking at the screen you saw your baby moving around and of course a smile comes to your face.

"Baby is looking very healthy, no issues are clear so I would say baby is doing well"

"Do you know the gender?" Tom blurts out unable to hold it in anymore

"Yes it's very clear if you would like to know"

"Yes please" You smile very excited to see what baby you would be having.

"You're having a little girl"

"Oh my" you smile as Tom leans over kissing you

"Wow! How can you tell"

"Her hips are a clear indication" she giggles "I'll get the pictures for you"

Dr Jones leaves the room before you turn to Tom and hug him tightly.

"How! How are you so capable of making girls when all you have is brothers" you giggle as he kisses you

"Hey I'm capable of producing both" he winks

After the appointment you and Tom head to Tom's parents house, you couldn't wait to tell everyone you were having a little girl after everyone thought it was a boy.

"Hello!" You shout as you walk into the house with Tom behind you, the kids come running to your feet asking what you're having.

You usher everyone into the living room as they're all sat down you and Tom stand in front of them as you look to Tom letting him say it.

"We're having a girl!!"

"Ahhhh" everyone screams, Nikki and Dom hugging you both. River was cheering and Hudson was crying on the floor

"Aw kiddo it will be okay" Tom smiles hugging him as he cries louder "we can have another one"

"Alright tom this ones not even been born yet calm down" you giggle.

Looking around the room at your family and they just made you so happy and now with another baby on the way you never expected to have a life like this.

The girl was most voted for I go purely off votes. So now choose names and I'll narrow them down adding one or two of my own.

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