One night can change all (6)

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You and Toms relationship had changed ever so slightly since having sex and that was the fact it had gotten closer as you trusted Tom a lot more but you hadn't slept together since that night. After that night you had fallen deeper in love with Tom and it was messing more and more with your head but Faith came first and always did come first.

"So you slept together?" Your best friend says as she takes a sip of wine, you were having a night with your best friend while Tom looked after Faith at home.

You hadn't had a girly night in a long while because of being pregnant and then having the baby so it had been a long while since you and your best friend had a night together, you were currently at her house drinking wine and eating pizza.

"Yeah I know and when I woke up in the morning he wasn't in my bed he was in his own bed" You sigh looking at her while leaning on your hand

"Own bed?"

"Yeah we have our own rooms because well we aren't together are we? So we have separate rooms and separate beds"

"Wow that sounds shit considering he's so hot" she giggles

"I know isn't he just gorgeous" you say melting into the sofa just at the thought of Toms face and body and just everything "Argh what do I do!"

"Do you love him?"


"Then why can't you two be together?"

"Faith, I can't risk it ending badly I don't want to put her relationship with us as parents I don't want it ending so bad he or I move out and then Faith sees him less and I can't do that I grew up without a dad I can't have that for her"

"Y/n just because you get with someone it doesn't mean that you're going to end with Tom he could be with you forever he could be your soulmate"

"I can't risk it" you sigh drinking more of your wine

"You're putting your own happiness away for something that isn't going to happen" your best friend sighs she was clearly annoyed by the fact you chose this "You two slept together again and was there passion?"


"Did he make you cum?"

"Oh my god" you sigh

"Did he!"

"Yes Yes He did" you giggle

"Is he the father of your child?"


"Is he in love with you?"

"He told me he was"

"There we go! You need to be with him Y/n you need him to be your boyfriend or husband or something other than just Tom!" You giggle at her "Marry him!"

"You're insane" you giggle

You finally walk up to your front door from the taxi and unlock it once you walk in your lock the door behind you before taking off your shoes when Tom walks into the hallway holding Faith close to his chest.

"Hey" he whispers as Faith is obviously asleep

"Hiya" you walk over to him to look at faith asleep as you rub her back "How's she been?"

"Crying a lot" He giggles

"Oh I'm so sorry Tom you should have phone me I would have come home"

"Oh shut up I go out a lot you should be able to as well I'm her dad I got it" He giggles

Tom goes to put faith to bed as you sit on the couch just thinking about Tom and how much you just wanted him to be your boyfriend and wanted him to be your everything.

"So How was your night" Tom smiles coming to sit next to you as Faith is now asleep

"Really good yeah it was good to catch up with her I miss her a lot"

"Listen can we actually talk about something?" He sighs looking at you before his eyes dart to the floor

"What is it?"

"Y/n I love you so much like I am in love with you and I cannot comprehend how much I love you but I can't be just Faiths dad anymore I can't live with you and not be your boyfriend because seeing you every morning grows my love for you so Y/n I'm asking you to be my girlfriend" he smiles holding your hand tightly

"What about faith what if we break up? What happens then if you move out and only see faith on the weekend"

"Y/n if it gets too much then perhaps we slow it down we need to express our feelings to avoid break ups and things faith comes first always"

"Then okay, Tom I will be your girlfriend" you smile as Tom smiles back before leaning in and kissing your lip softly

"Can we actually stay in the same bed?"

"Yes Tom" You giggle as he holds your face as he kisses your lips once again.

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