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Obviously Tom wouldn't cheat but for the imagine x

Yours and Tom's relationship was completely up and down the whole time you had been seeing each other and sometimes you didn't know how to act around each other but also you loved him so much and that's the reason why whenever he fucked up you always forgave him because you couldn't deal being without him. Tom had been away for a few weeks and you missed him a lot like every second of every day you just wanted to be in his arms once again.

It was finally the day Tom was home and you just couldn't wait to see him, you had planned to go round his place in the evening giving him a few hours to get in and be home before you came round. As you were getting ready you got a message from Tom's stylist Christine whom you had made friends with over the years of you and Tom being on and off.

From Christine;
Hey, Listen I know Tom has only just gotten back but I needed to tell you that while in Japan he did kiss another girl he told me you weren't together but I don't believe him I just thought you should know... xxx

Your heart broke after reading that message because how could he? How could he be so heartless to kiss another girl while you sat waiting for his return.

To Christine:
I appreciate you telling me xxx

You just wanted to cry but you couldn't not right now so you rushed to your cupboard and grab out a bottle of whiskey and a small glass but it doesn't stop you from filling it up before downing the whole thing and then you repeat this process 4 times and about an hour later you were drunk so now you wanted to see Tom and confront him.

You made your way down the street a few minutes down the road when you reach Tom's apartment and you harshly bang on the door until it opens and there stands Harrison looking very confused at you.

"Where is Tom?" You push past him and walk into his apartment

"Living room, Y/n are you drunk?" He asks but you completely ignore him and rush into living room where you see Tom sat on his phone. His gaze moves up to you and a smile moves onto his face.

"Y/n hey I've..."

"You cheated on me Tom didn't you" as Tom stands he looks at you with a frown on his face and a look of shock

"How did you—"

"I just know and I hate you Tom why!" You scream and your Brain was scrambled as you were so drunk you didn't hate him but you said it now.

"Listen Y/n you're drunk just sit down"

"No Tom I—" you were so drunk so you sit down right after saying you wouldn't. You sat on his couch as he grabbed a blanket as Harrison lurked in the hallway.

Tom's POV;
Yes I completely understand that I was a complete asshole I don't know why I cheated I just don't know why I do shit like this to Y/n I guess there is apart of me that knows no matter what Y/n will forgive me I don't know why she does it all the time. As she sits down onto the sofa so I grab a blanket and cover her as her head lays down onto the sofa I knew that she would fall asleep she always did when she was drunk I knew it would be better to talk to her when she was sober.

"Why did you do it?" I look up to Harrison as I cover Y/n as her eyes close and her breathing is light.

"I don't know Harrison mate you tell me!" I snap as I sit on the floor in front of the sofa where she slept. My knees moves to my chest as I let out a huge sigh as Harrison sits on the opposite me on the chair.

"Do you love her?" Harrison asks and I just shoot my head up and frown at him

"I fucking love her so much, she's my everything and yet she doesn't love me anymore she won't not after this" I sniff holding back the tears

"She will always love you I'm not going to lie you've fucked up a lot yet she's always forgives you if that doesn't prove it then I don't know what will"

"What if she ends it?"

"Then you prove yourself Tom, it might take Time but there is no other way"

Readers POV:
You wake up not at home and as you sit up more you know exactly where you are in Tom's apartment laid in the living room on the sofa where you and Tom would spend your evening together cuddled up joking around and talking for hours. But after last night you didn't know if that would happen again you were crushed by Tom and after so long of rebuilding after what happened last time you finally thought that you had over come this but clearly not.

As you sit up you look around the room moving your legs off the sofa so they're now touching the floor. You push your self off the sofa as you walk into the kitchen getting a glass of water before wondering into Tom's bedroom where you see that the bed was empty and you just sigh so then you make your way back into the hall way where you see Harrison walking out of the guest room that you and Tom had spoken about changing into a nursery so many times.

"Hey Y/n" he smiles slightly and that's when you remember he was there the entire time.

"Where's Tom?"

"Is he not there?" Harrison asks motioning to the room

"No it's empty, Listen I just need to talk to him Harrison and I don't know what to say to him because I don't know what to do anymore" You sigh turning and walking into the living room and taking a seat back on the sofa where Harrison follows you and takes a seat next to you

"He loves you Y/n, I know it's not that obvious sometimes when he does shit like that and I don't know why he does it but I know to the point where I could put my life on it that he loves you with his entire heart" he smiles looking at you and you just sigh. Tom meant the entire world to you and you couldn't loose him and while you come to this conclusion to door opens and you stand up and walk into the hall way and you see Tom shutting the door.

"Y/n you're still here" he smiles

"I wasn't going to leave before seeing you Tom we need to talk" you tell him but you realise how it sounds but that wasn't what you meant but before you can say anything else Tom buts in.

"Y/n before you say anything I want to give you this" he pulls a small box out of his pocket and opens it turning it towards you. You looked into the box where you see a beautiful ring and your heart stops

"Tom your not.."

"No I'm not asking for you to marry me but this is a promise ring and I'm giving it to you to promise that I will never do anything to hurt you again" he smiles and you just pull him in for a tight hug

"I love you Tom"

"I love you too" He smiles kissing your forehead.

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