On the sly

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You and Tom were a very close couple and did spend a lot of time together and that meant you also spent a lot of time with Harrison. Since you began dating Tom you and Harrison had become very good friends and you hated the idea of him being single so when he told you about him seeing someone you and Tom instantly wanted to meet this girl that had captured his heart so you had arranged to go out for a meal with Harrison and his new girlfriend Kady.

You and Tom were sat in the restaurant just waiting for Harrison to arrive as you spoke about random things as you joked around you see Harrison walking over to your table giggling while holding hands with a very pretty girl.

"Hey sorry we're late we just got kinda.... Erm caught up" Harrison laughs sitting down and you knew what he meant by that

"It's Fine" You smile looking for Tom to say something but he didn't he looked annoyed in some way "I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you" you say stepping out from your seat as you hug her

"Kady" she smiles, Tom stands hugging her as well but still seemed annoyed

"Tom" He says as he sits back down in a hump so you sit down next to him as Harrison and Kady take a seat opposite you, Kady opposite you and Harrison opposite Tom.

Your hand moves to his thigh to try and comfort him for whatever reason he was mad about.

"So how did you two meet?" You ask her as you then move your hand from Tom's thigh to take a sip of your wine

"At a bar she was working there and I actually gained the confidence to ask her out" Harrison smiles looking at Kady as she smiles back to him letting her head rest on his shoulder and you can't help but smile at them both as Tom still had a face like a smacked ass.

"That's so cute" you smile leaning on your hands looking at them both "Don't you think so Tom?"

"Yeah yeah sorry" he says snapping back to reality and you were already getting annoyed with him

"Tom can we talk for a second?" You ask standing up as he looked to Harrison for some kind of help then with a sigh he stands up and follows you to the outside of the restaurant you turn on your heels to him as you stand with your arms crossed "What the hell is wrong with you as soon as Harrison walked in the Kady you had a face like a slapped ass"

"It's nothing seriously" he says scratching his head so you just give him the look that he knew meant you wanted to know the answer "Fine it's just the fact Harrison came in with Kady bragging about how they were late because they were having sex and it just annoys me because we're not like that anymore we're not in that phase anymore"

"Thomas are you actually kidding we had sex last night!"

"I know I'm sorry I just like the idea of being all touchy and stuff" he sighs

"Nothing's stopping you baby" you wink walking back into the restaurant as Tom follows with a huge smirk on his face. You take a seat back at the table and instantly Tom's hand moves to your thigh

"Sorry about that" Tom smiles as his hand continues to move up your leg edging closer to your crotch as you begin to smirk "So Kady what do you do?" He asks as his hand moves a lot closer as his hands moves your underwear aside as he begins to rub and a slight gasp leaves your mouth

"Y/n you okay?" Harrison asks

"Yeah Sorry" you giggle as Tom Just smirks as he moves a finger inside of you and you try not to show any movement but it was hard.

"So how long have you been dating then?" Tom asks as he continues to move his fingers in and out of you as you try your best to hold in the moans.

"Like a month now" Kady smiles holding onto Harrison's arm.

"It's so nice to see Harrison finally happy and seeing someone right Babe?" Tom asks smirking to you as you just bite your lip nodding

"Hmm" you say attempting to stop them from finding out what was really happening

"Y/n seriously are you alright?" Harrison asks and you slap Tom's hand away

"Brilliant" you smile as Tom just sits there smirking while Harrison and Kady look confused.

You manage to keep Tom under control for the rest of then evening while you're at the meal but as soon as you arrive back home you know you needed to have certain words with him. As you walk into the kitchen placing your bag down

"You need to learn to control yourself Mr" you giggle playing with the buttons on his shirt

"It's hard when you look like this" He smiles squeezing your bum slightly

"Keep it in your pants" you giggle pecking his lips

"After Tonight" He giggles picking you up as you wrap your legs around his waist as you giggle along with him as he carries you to your shared bedroom

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