Pregnancy series- Telling His parents

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You were now about 8 weeks pregnant and you were so happy about Tom's reaction and he had become very protective and caring around you when you did anything. You hadn't told anyone yet it had been a month since you found out and you kinda loved it being between you and Tom for the moment. You wake up early one morning with Tom missing from your side

"Tom??" You shout in your morning voice

"Coming" he walks in with a tray with a cooked breakfast on it "surprise princess" he smiles handing you the food then he leans down and kisses your lips quick before climbing back into bed with you.

"Oh my god you're an angel" you say digging into the food

"Bub, I know we've been keeping the pregnancy to us and I love it being just us that know but also I kinda want people to know" he says placing his chin on your shoulder

"What do you mean?"

"Only my parents first then we can move to Harrison then the public" he says, you grew up in various foster homes before getting to a job in London and meeting Tom so you didn't have any family to tell.

"Alright, do you want to go to your mums today?"

"Really?" He says sitting up in shock

"Yeah!" You say matching his enthusiasm

"And Harrison?"

"Going a bit fast now" Harrison knowing scared you more than Tom's mum, Harrison was so protective and Tom having a baby made it that they wouldn't go out as much as they used to.

"I tried my luck" he laughs.

Once you finished your food Tom took the tray taking it back for the kitchen as you climbed out of bed getting changed into a jumper and leggings then you curl your hair slightly and place some make up on then you walk out of the bedroom finding Tom in the laundry room looking through the clothes

"Babe What are you doing?"

"Looking for my red Fila jacket"

"Oh I hung it in the wardrobe yesterday" you tell him, he stands up pecking your lips before heading back into the bedroom. You make your way into the kitchen pouring some orange juice into a glass as you begin drinking it Tom's arms snake around your waist

"You're so beautiful"

"You won't be able to do that soon I'll be a lot bigger" you smile placing your hands on your non existent bump that was soon to grow.

"Still be beautiful though babe" he kisses your neck "Wanna head to my mums now"

"Yeah" you smile turning around kissing his lips then grabbing your keys before heading to the door, Tom stays close behind you as you head out of your shared apartment and make your way down the stairs holding Tom's hand as you reach the car and climb in the drivers side as Tom climbs into the passenger side. You start the car and begin to drive to his mums that wasn't too far away maybe 10 minutes at most.

"Are you worried?" He asks and you instantly get scared

"Should I Be?" You ask in a panic, you did get along with his family but never having one of your own you never wanted to mess up

"No, my mum will probably cry with happiness" he laughs. We pull up outside his parents house you stop the car and climb out the car rearranging your jumper, Tom rushes to your side and holds your hand as you make your way up to the front door as Tom knocks and Nikki answers.

"Oh hello lovely" She says pulling you in for a hug not even noticing Tom really.

"I'm here to mum" he laughs

"Well your not as beautiful" she laughs "I'm kidding son come on in" she lets you both in as you giggle to what she says.

As you make your way inside their beautiful house taking your shoes off before heading into the living room taking a seat on the couch Tom sitting next to you placing his hand on your thigh as Nikki sits on the couch opposite.

"Do you want a drink?" She asks

"No I'm fine thank you"

"Yeah me too" Tom agrees with me

"So what's been happening in your life then?" She asks

"Actually mum is anyone else here? Like harry, sam, paddy? Or even Dad?"

"No but they'll be back soon Why?" You look at Tom unsure on what to say

"We Just have some news and want to tell everyone at once" he smiles squeezing your leg slightly, she just covers her mouth with a look of shock on her face

"Are you Pregnant?" She asks, you didn't know how to react once again so you just look at Tom and he does the same "Oh my god you are aren't you" she squeals.

"Mum we wanted to tell everyone together" Tom laughs as his plan was ruined

"Sorry love" she stands up and comes over to give you a hug "Congratulations though hunny I'm so happy for you, I'm finally going to have a grandchild"

"What?" All your heads turn at once seeing that all the boys are gathered at the door including Harrison.

"Y/N are you pregnant?" Harrison asks shocked

"Yes" you say quietly


The rest of the boys come over and hug and congratulate you and Tom, you really did feel apart of this family and you knew this baby would bring you all even closer.

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