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If you haven't seen this episode of friends WATCH IT!!!

You and Harrison had been dating for a few weeks it wasn't a serious relationship but it was still a relationship and you did like Harrison a lot and you felt so welcome especially by his best friend Tom he was so nice to you all of the time and welcomed you with open arms into their apartment. Harrison had asked you to come to his place at about 7 so you made your way and you were a bit late like half past so you were so worried he would be annoyed so you knock and hope he isn't pissed off you're half an hour late. The door opens and you don't see Harrison but Tom

"Hey Y/N" he smiles "Come on in Harrison will be here soon" he opens the door more to let you in so you walk in your heels clicking against the floor as you made your way to the living room and Tom followed

"So Where is he?" You ask sitting down as he just stands to the side his arms closed to his chest as he leans against the wall

"Erm not sure working I think" he nods with a smile on his face.

"Oh okay, So how has your day been" you smile

"Good yeah, didn't do a lot I tried baking but it didn't go well" he laughs

"Whys That?" You tilt your head to the side you owned a bakery and loved cooking as well

"Come see for yourself" he motions you stand up and follow him into the kitchen where you see a sea of broken and burnt cupcakes

"Oh god Tom cupcakes aren't exactly the hardest things to make"

"Oh well I'd like to see you do better" He sasses back

"Tom I own a bakery" you laugh and he just stands there in shock as you continue to giggle at him when Tom's phone rings he picks it up

"Hey long?...okay yeah I'll tell her...alright bye" He hangs up and you frown at him wondering who that was

"Who was that?" You ask cocking your eyebrow at him

"Harrison he is stuck at work til 9 but he said you can stay because he still wants to see you tonight" he smiles

"Alright well then I'll teach you how to make a real cupcake because these are shit" you pick one up and throw it down again

"Hey! They're not that bad" he defends his awful cooking

"Come on we can fix it"

You take your shoes off and then once you and Tom clear up the mess he made when making them you begin to add all the ingredients to the bowl as you told Tom what to do he did as you said and once they were in the oven you two got to talking.

"So how did you learn to cook?" He asks as you sit down at the table with a cup of tea in your hand and tom sat next to you.

"I just got bored one day and decided I wanted cakes so I thought I'd learn how to cook them and now I own a bakery and do more than just cakes" you take a sip of your tea then you look up at him and see flour on his face and begin to laugh

"What?" He asks very confused

"You have flour on your face" you lean over and wipe it off but while you're doing so you and Tom catch eye contact and next thing you know you're leaning in and your lips are touching his hands running through your hair and your hands cupping his cheeks when the timer goes off and you both jump and pull away realising what you had done.

"Oh shit" Tom says getting up and you sit back in your seat not wanting to say anything at all you felt so bad.

"That shouldn't have happened" you say standing up and putting your shoes back on and grabbing your jacket. "I'm gonna go" you say walking out of the apartment and Just rush home not wanting to see Harrison right now.

Tom's POV:
It had been 2 days since I kissed Y/N and I really did like her I could even say that I was in love with her and I had been since I met her I should have told Harrison but I didn't and now I had kissed his girlfriend. I knew I had to tell him but I was scared. I was in the kitchen and Harrison walks in and grabs one of the cakes me and Y/N made he has a huge smile on his face and this was the time I needed to tell him the truth.

"Can we talk?" I ask

"Yeah" He says with a mouthful I take a deep breath

"You know Y/N" I say

"Yeah.." he trails off wondering what I would say next

"When She was waiting for you the other night she helped me make the cakes and well one thing lead to another and we kinda kissed" He Just drops the cake and looks at me and frowns with disbelief

"Are you fucking joking?" He snaps

"It was a mistake but I love her and I know that she's your girlfriend but I can't help it"

"She broke up with me yesterday" he tells me


"Now I know why" he turns around and walks out but I follow him through the apartment.

"Harrison mate I'm sorry it was a mistake but I really do love her and I know she is yours and always will be your first but I can't help it and I won't go there if you don't like it" I tell him

"If you would have come to me first I wouldn't have cared as much but you didn't Tom you went behind my back" he slams the door in my face and I felt so guilty did I really loose my best friend because of this.

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