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7 years ago you met the love of your life Tom Holland from the moment you saw him you loved him it really was love at first sight and you knew you and him would really be together for a very long time and you were right it was now your 7th anniversary and you were still as in love with him as you were the 1st anniversary. He was the most gorgeous man you've ever laid your eyes on and you were well and truly smitten with him you wonder how you got such an amazing man by your side.

You wake up on the morning of your anniversary to Tom rubbing your arm you open your eyes and see Tom laid next you tracing patterns on your arm you just smile at him he leans up and kisses you

"Good morning baby" he smiles "Happy Anniversary" you were so happy he remembered

"You remember!" You smile holding his face

"Yes of course I did" he smiles, then he stands up and leaves the room then he walks back in with a huge bunch of Red Roses you sit up straight and cover your mouth with your hands

"Baby!!!" You smile taking the flowers then hugging him tightly.

"Read the card" you pull the card off and read the beautiful words;

My baby girl,
7 years ago I saw your beautiful face from across the room and from the moment I saw you I knew I had to make you mine and that's what I did and it was easily one of the best days of my life, you're so kind and caring you make me laugh everyday and just make me smile just by looking at your beautiful face and into your gorgeous eyes. I can't wait to take you out tonight and I promise you it will be a nice to remember I love you baby forever and a day xoxoxo

You wipe your tears away he was easily the most amazing person you've ever met in your whole life he was so sweet you just burst out crying and smile at him.

"See what you do to me" you laugh as Tom wipes your tears away.

"Awh baby" he kisses your tear stained cheeks

"Okay my turn now" you smile giggling you reach under the bed and pull out a book full of pictures from the first date to last weeks date, under each picture was a cute message. You and Tom weren't really for materialistic gifts more sentimental gifts after 15 minutes he finishes and looks at you.

"I'm speechless, just thank you so much baby and I love you!!" He smiles kissing you

"So what are our plans?" You ask

"Well I'm taking you out tonight so be ready for a night of romance" he winks. You stand up and take the flowers downstairs and up them in water then you make Tom breakfast and take it up to him along with some tea he kisses you and thanks you then you decide that you should be super cute and post a cute anniversary message on twitter.

@Y/T/N: 7 years ago I became the happiest girl in the world when @Tomholland1996made me his girlfriend I will always love you baby ☺️♥️

Minutes later you get tagged in a post from tom;

@Tomholland1996: Happy anniversary to my gorgeous baby girl I love you so much thank you for all you've done for me ❣️

You just smile and retweet it then you head upstairs to speak to Tom about tonight.

"Baby what time are we leaving tonight" you ask walking into the bedroom while Tom eats.

"About 5" he says with a mouthful of food, you look at the time it was 12 so you were going to wait til 2 then start getting ready.

*Few hours later*
You were ready to go wearing Toms favourite little black dress and you had straightened your hair and was fully ready for whatever he had in store. You walk downstairs in your over the knee boots and Tom is standing there in a suit he looked gorgeous.

"Wow" he smiles as you come down "you are so sexy baby" he says moving his hands to your waist and pulling you closer to him you kiss him as you wrap your arms around his neck while you kiss.

"Let's go!" You smile, Tom opens the door were a limo is waiting outside you just turn to him with a shocked look on your face. "TOM! What have you done" you say hitting him gently

"Hey 7 years got to go all the way" he smiles leading you to the limo and opening the door he opens the door and helps you in and then he climbs in to then you start driving. You reach a very nice restaurant and Tom takes you inside it was a beautiful restaurant inside and you knew tonight would be amazing

"Tom you've really out done yourself" you smile looking. About 2 hours later you and Tom were holding hands

"Wow I guess I should do this now" he says

"Do what?" You ask, he stands up and then gets down on one knee

"Tom oh my god!" You say covering your mouth.

"Y/N Y/L/N, from the moment I saw you I knew I wanted to do this but I was always too scared because of what you might say but now I know I need to do this because I can't imagine waiting another minute to call you my fiancé or my wife I can't call you my girlfriend anymore I love you more then anyone in whole world every time I look into your eyes I just smile because you are the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen no matter how many times I see you you are still the most beautiful women ever, I can't wait to finally have children with you and have such an amazing life so Y/N will you do my honour of becoming Y/N Holland?" He asks

"Yes" you cry, the whole restaurant cheers as you both stand up and kiss eachother he puts the ring on your finger and then you sit back down

"Right time for a cute picture" he smiles taking his phone out he takes a picture and post it on twitter.



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