The secret

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Tom Holland was a world class celebrity so who was known for a being an amazingly kind person, You where a young single mother with a 4 year old child whose father doesn't want anything to do with him. You and Tom were the least likely people to have met and yet you've been dating for a month or two just seeing each other on and off and going out for dinners and things but Tom didn't know about your son you never told him as that was something that usually put people off dating you.

"And then Tessa like freaked out because I was just screaming" Tom laughs as he takes a sip of his beer you were sat in Tom's apartment it was late at night and your mum had your son, Parker.

"Awe that's so cute you probably scared the shit out of her" you laugh when your eye catches the clock on the wall "Shit it's 11 I better get going" you say pushing yourself up off the couch

"No no please stay" Tom says standing up as well as you grab your phone you just look at him with a smile

"I have work" you lied you didn't it was Parker's 4th birthday tomorrow and you needed to be at home when he woke up.

"I can take you tomorrow morning please babe stay" Tom walks closer his hand moving to your hip as he pulls you closer to him as your bodies touch you just smile

"Tom I can't" You sigh his hands drop from your side as he leans his forehead against yours as he sighs as well.

"Okay it's cool don't worry" he smiles pecking your lips.

You had gathered all your stuff together and was about to leave you didn't want to as you and Tom hadn't moved onto the phase of staying round each-others house and you wanted to wake up in Tom's embrace but you couldn't.

"How about I come over tomorrow night" He asks raising his eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

"Erm yeah I'll let you know" you tell him as you peck his lips before leaving his place as you make your way back to your house.
You wake up in the morning to Parker jumping on your bed and then he crawls over to you smiling and singing

"It's my birthday mummy!"

"Is it?" You ask raising your eyebrow

"Yeah mummy" He giggles

"No no it can't be"

"It is nanny said it was" he says looking very confused

"Oh Y/n stop winding him up" your mum says as she pokes her head round the corner of your door. You still lived with your mum as you couldn't really afford to be living by yourself especially with a child.

It was about 3 and you where hosting a party for Parker and the house was currently filled with 20 4 year olds and a lot more parents and family members, you had been ignoring Tom's text messages all day as you wanted to focus on Parker today.

"Mummy mummy look what auntie Jada got me" Parker comes running over to you with a Spider-Man outfit

"Wow That is so cool!" You smile getting down to his level some people knew about you and Tom but not Parker he had no idea.

"Can I put it on"

"Yeah of course" as you were about to help Parker into the costume when your mum walks in the kitchen with a look of worry on her face

"Y/n someone is at the door for you" She smiles through gritted teeth you just frown at her

"Okay Parker let nanny do it and I'll be right back"

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