Be Alright

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Tom's POV:
Things had been strange between me and Y/n recently she had been distant for the past 3 days and I wasn't even sure as to why I woke one day and she was just weird with me. I felt like perhaps I had done something wrong but I couldn't figure out what it could be.

I guess it all started when I woke up and I saw cigarette buts on the counter in an ashtray but she said they were her friends I mean and what reason did I have no to believe her? 

It had been a long day and I was so happy to finally be home to see Y/n. Even though she was off she was still the love of my life and seeing her lit up my whole day.

"Y/n?" I shout as I walk through the front door shutting it behind me but the house was quiet like dead quiet. As I walked through the house I walk into our room and see a load of packed bags on the bed. "Y/n!" I shout more panicked

I run through the house trying to find her and I do I see her sat in the kitchen at the island in the middle of the kitchen looking down at the table surface.

"Hey babe why's all your stuff packed?" I ask sitting down next to her as she looks up with a guilty look on her face. 

"I've been hiding something Tom and I've made a mistake" she sighs

"What?" I say going to touch her icy hand but she pulls away from me harshly

"Tom, three days ago when you woke up and found the cigarette buts on the table and I said they were my friends..." she takes a deep breath in "They weren't Tom they were Sams"  She Trembles as her voice begins to break

"Sam? My brother Sam? Why was he here did he like drop something off?"

"Initially he came to see you but you weren't in so I told him he could wait and he did and we spoke for a while and then it got weird and I don't know what happens but erm he kissed me Tom and I kissed him back" I feel the colour drain from my face as I look to her tears stream down her face

"You kissed my brother?"

"Yes Tom and I'm so sorry it's been killing me and I know I've done so wrong here that's why I'm leaving I mean you don't want me I cheated on you and I'm so sorry you deserve better then this so I'm going to go" she sighs standing up and walking away from me to get her stuff before I hear the front door slam.

My body was numb I couldn't even be angry at her I was just hurt unbelievably hurt. I loved her so much and she broke me but some how it just made me want her back.

I stood up grabbing my car keys and headed to Harrison's place before nearly knocking the door down with how hard I knock. He answers the door with a smile on his face. 

"Jesus man...woah what's wrong?" He says seeing my distraught face. I just barge pass him into the house

"Sam kissed her and she kissed him back!"

"What the fuck why would he do that?"

"I don't know"

"And her what a slag"

"HEY! Don't call her that" I shout to him in Y/n's defence

"Bro she cheated on you with your brother..."

That's when I realised I needed to call her I grab my phone and start ringing her but it ends after she declines it.

"She left and now she won't answer I love her Harrison and I want her back I need to forgive her please help me"

"I know you love her but it seems over mate"

"No please" I cry

"Tom she left you"

"Your right" I sigh, Y/n was gone and there was nothing I could do about it.

She was gone and it was all Sam's fault she would never have done it if he didn't make a move first. I knew my girlfriend and this wasn't her it was my brother though it was written all over him all the time.

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