The high life

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In the 21st century it is easier to become a celebrity than ever before when it comes to social media and you were someone who has benefited from this you as your Instagram attracted a lot of people due to your artistic pictures. With a lot of Instagram followers you also started in modelling and then you started getting invited to events.

But they started off quite small that was until you hit a million followers that you began to get invited to the bigger events.

Tonight was a big night as you had just been invited to the Met gala for the 1st time and the theme was camp so you had worn the campest thing you had been designed, it was a full glitter look with a glitter wig as well.

"Y/n! This way!" The photographers shout at you as you pose on the red carpet, you didn't feel to comfortable with all this attention but you were here now.

As you walk off the carpet you head to start interviews and just meet people, as you're walking up the stairs you tripped and someone managed to catch you.

"Woah be careful" They giggle as you look up to the person holding you and he was beautiful

"Thank you for catching me" you giggle standing up straight.

"No worries, wow you do look very nice"

"Thank you very much so you do, I'm Y/n by the way" you smile holding your hand out for him to shake

"Tom" He smiles shaking your hand

"Ahhh Mr Spider-Man" you giggle winking at him

"Oh wow fan?"

"Of course" you giggle "First time at the Met I'm quite nervous"

"Same, stay with me?" He giggles

"Of course"

You and Tom make your way inside to the table that you happened to be on together and you were so happy to see this. You both take your seat next to one another and enjoy the evening.

It went quite quickly and the end of the event came around fast and before you knew it you and Tom were heading out of the venue.

"Are you going to the after party?"

"I didn't know there was one?" You say confused

"Ah well better get your second outfit ready and meet me in 20 minutes at this address" he say handing you a bit of paper with the address on you look down and smile "I'll meet you outside" he winks before leaving.

You headed to your hotel room and you didn't exactly have a second outfit planned but you had a few back up outfits for tonight, so you grabbed a feathered outfit that was a yellow. Once ready you grabbed an Uber to the address where you saw Tom waiting for you outside.

"Hey" You smile walking out of the car and heading over to him with a smile

"Woah you look good" he winks before taking your hand and leading you inside.

The party was full of so many celebrities just being in there for a few seconds and you saw Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Jlo, Harry styles, rami malek and so many more.

"Woah" you mumble as you look around.

"A lot of people isn't there"

"Yeah makes me nervous" you giggle. As you look around it just makes you feel so nervous.

"Hey come with me I can chill you out" He smiles leading you down some hallway and into a large bathroom. 

"Why are we here?" You giggle as Tom leads you into a cubicle.

No words are said he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small baggy with white powder in it.

"Tom!" You snap

"What?" He says getting his phone out and laying a line on top of it "Everyone here does it, trust me Y/n you'll enjoy it"


"Yes every single person here will have done at least one line tonight"

"Fine then" you say as he grabs out a $50 bill and hands it to you

"Roll the note and then hold your left nostril and snort it up the right oh and do it fast"

Taking a deep breath you do so allowing the powder to make its way up your nose.

"Woah that burned"

"You'll get used to it" Tom giggles before taking one for himself. "It takes about 5-10 minutes to kick in but won't last long about half an hour"

"Okay" You smile.

You and Tom leave the bathroom cubicle and head back out into the main party. Looking around you began to feel the effects hitting you and you knew it wouldn't last long, you began to feel very awake and aware of what was happening in some way.

"It's hit you hasn't it" Tom giggles walking close to you holding your waist.

"Yeah" you giggle happily "wow this actually feels really good"

"Well maybe with this I can tell you you look so fucking hot"

"You are so fucking hot" you knew this was confidence was due to the cocaine but you didn't care right now.

"Then kiss me" He smiles.

Without hesitation you kiss Tom, your arms wrapping around his neck as his hands make their way to your waist pulling you closer.

You didn't think this is what this life would be like but you liked it right here right now so who cared.

"We should do more" you say knowing the effects will wear off soon

"Let's wait a little 10 minutes" he smiles "I guess you like it

"I love it" you giggle

"Welcome to the high life my love" He smiles before kissing you once again.

This was inspired by this picture of Harry styles going around;

Many people are trying to pass this off as him being 'drunk' but I can tell you it's clearly not true, the dilated pupils mainly on the left side it is more dilated and as someone who is around a lot of drug culture I can tell you that something h...

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Many people are trying to pass this off as him being 'drunk' but I can tell you it's clearly not true, the dilated pupils mainly on the left side it is more dilated and as someone who is around a lot of drug culture I can tell you that something has been snorted up his nose because it will effect the eye on the same side as the nostrils he snorted it up. Cocaine is very common among the rich as it is a very expensive drug and doesn't last too long so I just kind of wanted to make this to prove no matter how innocent someone looks they probably take cocaine at some point (I AM NOT SAYING TOM DOES OR ANYONE IN PARTICULAR DOES) just enjoy the chapter x

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