A long time coming

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Love Island.

Love it or hate it but you have to admit it is very addicting and entertaining, you had watched the show from season 1 but recently you had managed to get Tom into the show along with Harrison and Harry you would spend every night at Tom apartment with the boys to see what was happening in the Villa and it was addicting and you all became very invested in all of the peoples lives.

"Jack and Dani 100%" you snap at Harry as you're having an argument as to who you believe will win this year

"But they haven't had much struggle Laura and Wes have"

"But laura is weird"

"So are Jack and Dani" you gasp at his words

"You take that back!" You say pointing to him as Tom and Harrison walk over to the couches sitting down as the episode starts.

You sat next to Tom on the couch your head resting on his shoulder, you and Tom weren't together just best friends and it had been that way for as long as you can remember. Sometimes you did want more but then Tom would refer to you as his 'sister from another mister' and you knew it wasn't going any further so you locked it out for a while then it came back and the same thing would happen.

"Tommy can you get me my drink" you smile as the adverts come on you were in the last few minutes of the show before it ended but with a sigh Tom gets up to get your drink

"You have him whipped" harry giggles

"Not true"

"Yes it is" Harrison interrupts.

You had many conversations like this with both boys about the same old shit between you and Tom and no matter how many times you said nothing was there they didn't believe you.

"Oh my god Alex might actually get this kiss!" Harry cheers as you watch the other islanders attempt to help Alex get with Ellie.

"I don't know" Harrison says, you were all sat on the edge of your seats as you waited to see if your favourite doctor would win the girl this time. As Alex leans in for the kiss and ellie kisses back all of you jump up and cheer

"I knew it!! Go on Alex!" You cheer as everyone else just giggles after sitting back down with smiles on their faces

"He deserved it" Tom smiles.

"Someone else deserves it too" Harrison mumbles

"Who?" You ask

"No one" he giggles walking out of the room. You just look to Tom and Harry confused as both boys stand up to clean up the mess you had all made during the showing of Love Island, there were many crisp packets and sweet wrappers.

It was later into the evening and you and the boys had decided to go to the pub for a few drinks before heading to bed so you headed down the local. You where sat with all of the boys when Harry and Harrison begin to whisper to each other.

"What is up with you two you kept whispering tonight?" Tom asks

"Oh Nothing, we're gonna have a go on the pub quiz machine" they both stand up and walk away leaving you and Tom alone

"Why are they acting so weird?" You ask

"Not sure they're weird" he giggles "Erm actually I kinda wanted to say something to you"

"And That is?" You ask turning around so you can see him better.

"Well you know how much we're mainly you want Alex to get the girl because he's nice guy who deserves the girl"

"Yeah" you trail of kinda confused

"Well when he kissed ellie tonight it made me realise how much I just need to grow some balls and do something I've wanted to for a very long time"

"And That is?" You ask

"This" He smirks leaning in and kissing you and at first you were shocked but then it hit you that is was Tom Holland your best friend who you loved for a very long time so you kiss him back and then you hear some cheering so you pull away and look around to see Harry and Harrison cheering.

"Well done Tom finally!!" Harrison smiles

"Oh god" you giggle leaning in to his chest as his arms cuddle you in.

This was requested!

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