Throw it away P2

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It had been 5 months since Tom had cheated on you with that random girl and it's safe to say life had been so hard since you got back from that get away holiday, you no longer slept in the same bed as Tom you just couldn't bring yourself close to him. You slept on the couch or in one of the kids rooms on the floor if he wasn't home, even when he was away you wouldn't sleep in the bed as you knew he had been there.

If it wasn't for your kids you would have left Tom as being with him was the most mind fucking situation all you wondered now was who he was messaging, who he was with when he went out and it was killing you.

"Say mumma" You cooed over your now 14 month old baby as he babbled random words while in his high chair, Jamie was at school and Tom was in the shower. "Look at you" you giggle as you watched your little boy.

While you fed him you hear what you think is your phone going off so you head to the counter and pick it up quickly knowing it's Tom's phone you look at who is calling. It was an unsaved number so curiously you pick it up.


"Who's this?" A female voice from the other end of the phone comes through

"Y/n, Tom's fiancé so the question is who is this?"

"Fiancé? Sorry he told me you two had called off the wedding, I better go" you knew she was about to hang up but you needed an answer

"No no please tell me who you are, I'm not going to be mad at you at all please just tell me" you say trying to hold in your cries

"Tom is my boyfriend, he had told me that you two called off your wedding and relationship after you cheated but you still live together for the kids sake I'm so sorry"

"He-he said I cheated?" You stutter taking a seat as you felt you would pass out if you took anymore of this stood up.

"I'm so sorry, I promise you I will not be in contact with him again" she says before hanging up, you lower the phone from your ear slowly as tears roll down your face.

You felt broken, Tom had continued to cheat and lie then tell the women he cheated on you with that you were the bad guy. This man was not the one you thought he was, Noah was screaming at this point but you had completely zoned out and you felt like you couldn't even hear him anymore.

The fact he cried so loud brought Tom running into the kitchen In just his towel, as he walks in he picks up Noah and then looks to you worried.

"Y/n?" He crouches down to your level as you're sat down and looking to the floor. "Are you okay?"

"I cheated huh?" Was the only thing that came from your mouth "not you! It was me! You've been telling your hoes that I'm the bad guy!" You scream at this point until you look into Noah's eyes and see him crying still.

You take him right off of Tom before marching out of the kitchen Noah on your hip, walking into your bedroom you pull out a bag and put all your clothes inside it. Then you head into each other kids room and pack essential, you've nearly finished this when Tom finally follows you.

"Where did you hear that? It's bullshit Y/n you know that! We both know that!"

"Oh do we?, why would a girl call Your phone wanting to talk to you then confess like are do you think I'm stupid Tom!" You snap, you grab your bags and storm pass him Noah still in your arms now not crying.

"Where are you going?" He asks

"My mums, and I'm not coming back this time I'll drop the kids off to your mums on the weekend for you to see them and I will pick them up from there I don't want you to be there when I drop them or pick them up I never want to see you again" you sigh as you walk out on your life.

I know most of you aren't Post Malone fans but it would mean a lot if you can check out my new fanfic 'Losing' I've put a lot of effort into this over the last few weeks and to have some feedback and people reading it would be amazing.

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