Pregnancy series: Leaving the nest

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30 weeks- (Small far from home spoiler x)

Since the engagement you had been so happy with
everything in life, River and Hudson had just finished school for the summer so you had been spending a lot of time with them. Tom had been doing press around the UK for far from home but had been coming back every night to see you and the kids.

You laid in bed with Hudson and River reading them  stories as they listened intently, they both had their hand on the bottom of your stomach as your daughter inside moved around. They loved feeling her move around knowing that she would be coming in a few months.

"Y/n?" You hear as Tom walks through the door of Rivers bedroom that you all laid in.

"Daddy!!" They shout jumping up and rushing into his arms, you sit up more before walking over to him as he puts down the kids and gives you a hug.

"Hey baby" you smile looking at Tom, there was a look on his face that made you know something was up. "What's wrong?"

"Let's put the kids to bed" He smiles giving you a look so you nod

"Right come on kids it's time for bed" You smile picking Hudson up before taking him into the bedroom.

Once you've put Hudson to bed and Tom's put River in bed as well you head down into the living room and Tom soon follows. As he looks to you, there is something that tells you good news isn't coming out of his mouth.


"How many weeks do you have left?" He asks you sitting down and taking your hand into his.

"10? Why?" You ask very confused as to why he was even asking this

"Well I kind of need to go on another press tour around Europe for the next 6 weeks" your heart drops, you feel as if your stomach just fell out of your ass.

"6 weeks? Tom that's so long! So much could happen what if the baby is early? Then what will happen? You will what miss the birth of your child?"

"No no I've made sure that at no point will I be more than a 4 hour flight away"

"4 hours!! I could have the baby in that time! You want me to be alone struggling for 4 whole hours without you while you're off with your friends and a girl you KISSED in the movie you're promoting!"

"Oh my god you're not mad that I'm going with Zendaya are you?"

"Yes I am! I'm mad you're going in general Tom! It's not about Zendaya, it's about you going away yet again when I'm having our baby! You did it when I had the twins and look what happened when I had them I lost it! I can't look after a new born baby alone I need you"

"And I will be back in time for her to be born!"

You don't even answer you just scoff and roll your eyes, you didn't know what you wanted to do with Tom right now but you didn't like the idea of him going away and you could potentially go into labour with him not here.

"I'm going to bed" you sigh turning away from him and walking upstairs and getting into bed.

Laying in bed you look at the ceiling with a huge sigh before turning to face away from Tom's side of the bed. You fall asleep quite quickly but in your mind the whole time was the fact Tom would have to go and he couldn't say no.

You wake in the middle of the night with a huge sharp pain along the bottom of your stomach sitting up quickly you go to grab Tom but he was missing, you grab your phone and call his phone.

"Hello?" He answers

"Where the hell are you!"

"At Harrison's, why do you care?" He asks all annoyed at you for earlier.

"Tom there is something wrong with the baby! Like something really wrong" you just had this feeling that something wasn't right at all.

"Oh my...okay I'll come quick I'm sure it's just those fake contractions, I'll be back soon" he says before just hanging the phone up.

You sit there breathing through the pain of whatever was going on until Tom walks into the bedroom and rushed to your side seeing you're in pain.

"Hey hey you're okay, breath for me" he says his hand on your back rubbing it softly.

"Something has to be wrong" you mumble, trying to breath properly "Tom please help me" you say as a tear falls down your face.

"Hey I'll call the midwife okay?"

"Please" you cry.

Tom calls the midwife who happily makes her away over to your place but the wait felt like a lifetime, you sat in silence with Tom while you waited. It wasn't long for her to arrive, she walks right into the bedroom and assess you.

"Y/n everything seems to be okay I think you're just having braxton hicks quite bad ones" she smiles

"Are you sure they're painful"

"100%" she smiles

"Well sorry for making you come out" you sigh as she tells you it's okay, she then leaves the house and you just sigh looking to Tom. "Sorry you can go back to Harrison's"

"Hey can we just like sort this out" he sighs sitting down next to you on the bed "I'm sorry and I wish I didn't have to go but that's the contract"

"Can't you at least discuss with them making it shorter or anything? Like just so close to the end of my pregnancy it's scary for me"

"I know, I'm sorry for not understanding i know it must be scary for you and I need you to understand that I wish I could stay forever and never leave you but work means I can't"

"I know" you sigh "Listen can you just please keep in mind how hard this is going to be for me"

"I know and I'm sorry, I love you and I'll try and come back as soon as possible hopefully with a name for this little one" he smiles putting his hand on your bump

"I love you too" you smile back before kissing him.

Okay name choices for the baby are;
•Kensington (Kenzie for short)

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