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Growing up you were kept away from the spot light but when you hit your late teens it was a lot harder to keep you away from everyone as you wanted to be a normal teen as much as possible. You were 9th in line to the throne and the third daughter of the Prince of York that making you the youngest daughter you had just turned 19 and you were now allow to events unsupervised by your parents or sisters. You where always known as the outsider in your family but you never let that get you down but you definitely felt different to the rest of the royal family.

As one of the youngest members you got asks to many social events and premieres to new films and until a tonight you weren't allowed to go but tonight that changed you had been invited to the Oscars award show and after party and after a lot of convincing your parents agreed as long as you had security with you at all times.

You were now standing in a section of a club your security near by when your old friend Jason came over with a huge smile on his face as he pulls you in for a hug.

"Hello Y/N" he smiles

"Hiya" you smile looking at him

"So you look a bit lonely for a princess, haven't you gotten any friends with you?"

"Nope I'm all alone" You laugh taking a sip of your drink

"Wait there I think I'll be able to find you a friend. I know someone" he winks at you before walking away into the crowds of people.

It was about another 5 minutes before you see Jason come back out of the crowd with someone by his side and you recognised him and when he got closer you saw it was Tom Holland you had been a fan of his for awhile now.

"Y/N this is Tom, Tom this is Y/N" Jason smiles as Tom shakes your hand then you lean in as he kisses your cheek your left then right as you pull away with a smile on your face.

"It's so nice to meet you Tom, I love all your work" you smile at him

"I'll leave you two to talk" Jason smiles walking away

"I have to say that you look very beautiful tonight" he smiles "So Jason told me your a princess is that true or am I being pranked by him" he giggles

"Nope, 9th in line to the throne pretty impressive huh?" You smile taking another sip of your drink

"Wow okay then I better turn the charm on a bit more" He giggles.

For the rest of the night you and Tom talked and laughed and Just had the best time ever it meant a lot to you that Tom actually took the time to speak to you. When you arrived back in England you and Tom kept in contest and met up a few more times before you decided to start dating and after a few weeks you were officially together without anyone else knowing of course not even your family yet.

"Will you ever tell your parents?" Tom asks you as your head gently laid on his bare chest tracing patterns on his skin.

"I don't know, I mean I want you to of course I do but they're traditional they want to choose my husband but They also know I don't want that so I don't know how they'll react I really don't" You sigh looking up at him as you hold the sheet close to your body as it covered your breasts

"I know I'm sorry for asking" he leans down and kisses your head and in that moment something in your head clicks and you realised that you didn't care about anyone as much as Tom so you knew you couldn't let him go

"Tomorrow" you say looking back up to him

"What?" He frowns

"Tomorrow lets just do it tomorrow because I really like you Tom and I don't want to risk loosing you at all" you smile and he just leans in kissing you softly.

*Next day*
You had told your parents about Tom and they wanted to meet him instantly so you told Tom to come round and as the door went your heart sped up you rushed to the bottom of the stairs where you see one of the maids opening the door.

"Tom" you smile walking over to the door and hugging him tightly "How are you feeling?" You ask him

"Nervous they're quite intimidating I mean they're apart of the royal family" he sighs

"So am I" You giggle

"But I'm not dating your daughter" he laughs, you take his hand and lead him to the dinning room where both your patents sat, your mother had a smile on her face but your father had a look of fury on his face as you were his last daughter.

"Hello Tom" your mum stands up pulling him in for a hug

"Hello madam"

"Please call me Y/M/N" she smiles, you stay close to him as your father stands up and looks down at Tom holding his hand out and shaking Tom's.

"Nice to meet you sir" he smiles

"You too, take a seat" he informs Tom.

You both take a seat and once sat down you move your hands to Tom's thigh as you rub it lightly

"So Tom you're an actor what would make you suitable to date my daughter who is 9th in line to rule the country" your dad says and you felt so bad for Tom right now but you couldn't do anything.

"I really care about Y/N and I would do anything to protect her and give her the life that she deserves because she means the world to me and she deserves the world" he smiles and you lean your head onto his shoulder as you smile as well.

"Good good" your dad nods with a smile on his face "So you travel a lot?"

"Yes I do" he smiles

"Well good thing that Y/N wants to travel as well" you look to Tom in surprise "I give you my blessing to date my daughter" he nods slowly

"Thank you sir you will not regret it" Tom stands up shaking his hand.

Finally you had someone who not only understood you but made you so happy, you and Tom spent the next few years traveling as he made his films but soon You and Tom decided it was Time to be the hosts to the next royal wedding.

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