Stepping up

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You and Tom had dated for 4 years but ended after a huge fight about what Tom found most important and he did choose his career over you and that broke your heard unbelievably you loved Tom so much but that man truly did break you.

It wasn't til a few weeks later you realised he didn't completely leave you alone, you found out you were pregnant and you did try and tell Tom twice but both times he couldn't even let you talk and dismissed you from saying anything.

You spent the entire pregnancy attempting to reach Tom but he never answered any messages, with support from your parents you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, you named him Noah and he was the love of your life.

"Noah look" you smile as he lays on the play mat looking at the soft toys hanging down as he giggles moving his legs and arms a lot.

Noah was 5 months today and you were so in love with him, of course you hadn't posted anything anywhere due to Tom finding out but you were obsessed with this baby.

"You a beautiful boy!" You coo over your baby as the door goes.

You pick Noah up and take him with you as you never leave him alone he was everything to you and you would not risk leaving him anywhere you couldn't see him, you open the door and see Tom stood there with a smile on his face that soon changes.

"Tom!" You gasp "What are you doing here!"

"So it's true!" He snaps pushing his way inside your house marching right into the living room, you follow him as you place Noah down onto his play mat.

"Tom please"

"No Y/n! You've had my baby and haven't even told me what the fuck are you thinking!" He screams at you

"Keep it down! I'm not having you shouting around him, I just want you to understand how many times I've messaged you and been ignored I wasn't going to just text you saying I was pregnant I wanted you to talk to me not just talk to me because I was pregnant!" You snap, you had enough of this you had tried so hard for Tom to know.

"Why did you not just call me!"

"I was scared! You didn't want to be with me Tom you had made that clear and I thought if I told you then you'd tell me leave me alone, by not telling you I had the mystery that maybe you would want to be a dad"

"Oh my god, Y/n I would never leave you" Tom sighs as he looks to you, your crying all this was getting too much for you "hey come here" he says pulling you into his embrace.

You hadn't been in this position with Tom for a very long time and you felt so happy to be in Tom's arms once again. Tom's head leans on yours as he kisses your forehead he was the love of your life and all you wanted was for him to be back in your life.

"Want to meet your son?" You ask him Tom looks down to you with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes please"

You and Tom walk over to the play mat where Noah laid giggling and watching the toys above move, you reached down and picked him up before handing him to Tom. Tom looks down and smiles as he admires his son in his arms, Noah was 5 months and even though you knew Tom would want longer with him at least it wasn't further into his life.

"He's gorgeous" Tom smiles "Can we make custody agreements?"

"Of course" you smile looking at him so happy he wants to be apart of Noah's life.

*5 years later*
"Noah where are you things daddy should be here soon!" You shout up to Noah as he comes plodding down the stairs with a heavy foot like he always did.

As Noah grew he looked more and more like Tom with his curly brown hair and big brown eyes, you admired Noah he was so beautiful for a little boy and he was everything to you. Over the past 5 years Tom had tired his best to be a good dad but there where so many examples where he just didn't step up.

There were countless times Tom would message you hours before he was supposed to come and get Noah and cancelled and even more times he just didn't turn up. But for the past month he had been pretty good with showing up.

"Mummy I got this for daddy" Noah says as he shows you a picture he had draw of the three of you on a beach.

You still loved Tom but over the past 5 years he had moved on a few times but none of them had worked out, you hadn't dated in a very long time but tonight was your first date in years with some guy you had met at work.

"Wow he's going to love that!" You smile. "He should be here any minute"

It was half an hour later and you hadn't heard from Tom, normally you would leave it but you had plans and you weren't going to let Tom ruin that so you grab your phone and call him.

"Hey sorry but I can't come and get Noah I've got an event tonight" Tom says through the phone before you can even say anything

"No tom you said you would! He wants to see you and I'm not having him let down because you don't want to come see him"

"Come on I'll buy him something nice" he scoffs

"He doesn't want your money he wants you! And I have a date tonight and I'm not cancelling over this so you come get your son like you promised him I'm not letting you let him down one more time!" You snap as you see Noah packing his things

"Fine" he sighs before hanging up.

It wasn't long til he was inside your home getting Noah who was very excited to see him. You watched how Noah looked at Tom and there was true love there he admired his dad so much.

"Hey buddy! I've missed you" Tom coos as he picks up Noah kissing his cheek.

"So you're going to take him for just tonight? Or do you want him two nights"

"However long your date is gonna be" Tom snaps

"Oh my god you're not jealous are you?"

"Shut up"

"You're jealous! Oh my god Tom why you have dated so many women and I haven't said anything but as soon as I date anyone you're all weird about it" you scoff

"Listen can we not do this now, not in front of Noah enjoy your date" Tom sighs before going to walk out the door but you stop him

"Just tell me the truth, do you love me?"

"Yes I do"

"Step up with Noah and I'll think about us" you sigh

"Thank you" He smiles before walking out of your house.

Of course you cancelled the date and just decided until the day you and Tom know what's going on with you and him.

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