Lost and love (Part 2)

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Tom's POV:
Y/n had grown a lot since the day she was born and she was now a 3 year old at preschool enjoying life and making so many new friends. She was just like her mum she had her beautiful eyes and cute nose that I loved more than anything but more importantly she had her mothers soul, the kind and beautiful soul I loved so dearly.

"So Tom how's Y/n's pre school going?" My mum asks me as we sit down for a drink in her kitchen as Y/n played with Tessa on the floor.

"Very well I mean she's made lots of new friends but she has been asking a lot about her mummy and where her mummy is because everyone else has one why doesn't she"

I still hadn't spoken about Y/n to my daughter as I just couldn't I loved her so much it still hasn't settled in she really is gone. I sometimes still go to call her to ask what's for dinner but then I realise she's never going to answer me.

"Tom you still haven't spoken to her about her mum!" My mum shouts in shock

"It's so hard for me!"

"I know but she doesn't know anything about her mum and why she in no longer here"

"Argh fine next time she asks I will"

"DADDY!!" Y/n screams running out of pre school into my arms I hold her tightly to my chest thinking about how precious she is to me.

"Hello baby how was school" I ask putting her down to hold her hand as she looks at me her little backpack on her back that had Elsa's face plastered all over it.

"It's mummy's day soon and they all making cards for they mummy's where my mummy"

I stop dead in my tracks making her stop as well and look up to me in a loving way. I crouch down to her level

"Hunny your mummy is in a magical place called heaven, that's where she will be forever but she will always be watching and loving you" I smile

"Will I ever see her?"

"One day baby you will" she doesn't say anything just hugs me tightly

"I love you daddy"

"I love you too" I smile as I hold her in my arms one more time.

10 years later:
Y/n had grown a lot and she was looking more and more like her mother as the days go on, over time she had came to terms with her mothers death and I still never told her what fully happened I just said when she was giving birth there was a big problem and it was the nurses fault but no one could help what happened to Y/n.

"Dad!!!!!!!!" Y/n screams from her bedroom

"Yes" I shout back

"I need nan right now!" She screams I just stand up and walk into her bedroom where she is no where to be see but her bathroom door was closed.

"Hey what do you need?"

"Nan! I need nan right this second call her right now and tell her to get here!!" She screams

"Can't I help?"

"I NEED NAN!!!!!!!!!"

I take my phone out and call my mum right away whatever it was seemed very serious but I wasn't sure what it was.

"Hey mum Y/n needs you right now I don't know why she's locked herself in the bathroom and is screaming she needs you"

"Aw Tom I think she's starter her period let me come round" she smiles before hanging the phone up.

She couldn't start her period she was only 13 I mean who starts that young! Like surely that's so young for anyone to start.

It was not even 5 minutes before my mum turned up and was knocking on the door asking if she could come in and right away she was allowed into the bathroom. I was waiting for a bit until my mum comes out with a smile.

"I knew it" she smiles

"What! She's so young how could she start already"

"Hunny that's around the right time maybe even a little late"

"Oh shit! I'm so happy I have you right now I couldn't do this alone" I sigh sitting on the bed "she needs a mum and I just can't do that what she could do"

"Hey you've raised a beautiful young woman and she is perfectly normal even though she's never had a mother in her life, she's elegant and beautiful"

"You really think I've done well?"

"You couldn't have done better if you tried you've made such a beautiful child and Y/n would be so proud of the daughter you have raised"

"That means a lot" I smile trying not to cry.

As I hold back my tears Y/n emerges from the bathroom and comes to sit next to me then my mum leaves us alone.

"Thank you dad"

"For what?" I ask confused

"For being an amazing dad for raising me without a mum and still helping me come out like this, I just can't understand how you even went on after what happened to mum I would have given up and most other people would"

"I had you and that's all I needed, you remind me of your mother so much and I guess that is what keeps me going" I smile hugging her tightly "Do you want take out?" I giggle

"Always" she smiles.

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