High life P2

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It had been over 5 months since you met Tom at the met gala and your life had changed massively, you now had a boyfriend who you loved dearly and also a little bit of a drug addiction. Tom had given up cocaine about 2 months in but you couldn't nor wanted to.

At first it was only for parties and things but then as your life became more exciting you began doing things during the day and thought cocaine would be a good thing to do for those as well. You felt as if it made everything better of course this was not true.

You and Tom were heading to an event it wasn't a big one just a little thing you had been invited to by a few friends someone's birthday or something. Since the drug you had always felt like you weren't yourself anymore you became someone different and you could feel Tom getting more annoyed by you on a daily basis.

"So who's party is this?" You ask Tom as you're on your way to the party at some club in London not too far from where you lived.

"This director I worked with awhile ago you'll love him trust me" Tom smiles beaming while he spoke about his friend.

"Are there a lot of people there?"

"I don't know" Tom mumbles looking at his phone.

It wasn't long til you got to the Venue, getting out of the car and heading inside there were a lot of people walking around, dancing, drinking and so what. You hated this kind of party sober ever since you started taking the drug you kind of just always seemed to be high.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom quick" you say to Tom but before you can get away he grabs your arm and spins you towards him.

"Y/n you best not be getting high I swear I need you here tonight not coke you" He begs looking at you

"I just need to pee Tom" you giggle off, before you leave to plants a kiss on your lips as you walk into the bathroom.

Of course what you just said to Tom was a lie but he wouldn't let you out of his sight if you actually told him you were off to snort some coke. As soon as you walk into the bathroom all you hear is the sound of someone snorting something up their nose.

Heading into the stall you lay out a line and do the same before wiping your phone clean and heading back out to find Tom. You see him sat with some of his friends in a booth in the corner of the room.

"Hey" You smile sitting on his lap "Surprisingly no line for the bathroom" you giggle

"Well we have just got here so"

"True" you mumble. Tom's hand stayed on your waist for a long time as you spoke to his friends for a little bit, the only problem arose when you began to come up on the drug. "Is it just me or is it hot in here?" You ask the group

"Not really" Zendaya giggles, With that Tom pushes you up off his lap.

"We're going to get a drink" he says dismissing you from the group before pulling you outside the party.

"Hey what happened to the drink?"

"What happened to not doing fucking cocaine!" He snaps.

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"Let me see your eyes?"

"What! Why?" You say trying not to make eye contact. It was quite dark out so he couldn't really see your pupils anyways that was until he grabbed his phone torch out

"Let me see them" he says through gritted teeth and this was when you knew how mad he was. You obliged and let him look at your extremely dilated pupils. "You're a fucking addict Y/n!"

"No I am not!" You snap back to him

"Then give me your coke?" He says with his hand out and a smug look on his face.

A few seconds pass and you decided its best so you reach into your bra and take out the baggy and hand it to Tom.

"Happy now?"

"No I'm not! You're my girlfriend who I love a lot and this isn't right for you or your health you're fucked up!"

"No I am not!" You snap to him getting quite agitated now. "Fuck You tom"

"No come Y/n, you need help! You're fucked up seriously you need to sort it out"


"Because this will kill you if you continue"

"That won't happen I won't overdose I'm not an idiot"

"Well" he scoffs "What about over heating?"

"Oh come on"

"No Y/n, I love you and I don't want to see you die so I'm begging you to stop. I did it so why can't you?"

Tom was right this could kill you, why didn't you stop before, why did you even start

"Help me Tom" you cry, your head falling into his chest. His arms wrap around you pulling your body close to his even though you were still high you had an understanding of how bad things were.

"Hey hey come on Y/n let's go home"

"But these are your friends?"

"And you're my girlfriend" he smiles pecking your lips.  "Come on let's go"

Tom takes your hand as he summons a car allowing you to get inside before following you. It became a short car journey until you were home at his place, Tom knew that it was best to take you here as there was no drugs here.

"Hey let's get you undressed" Tom smiles as you enter his bedroom. Tom unzips your dress and it slides off your body and reveals your underwear and breasts as you didn't need to wear one with your dress.

"I wanna go to bed" You mumble, Tom grabs a top from his draw and puts it on you.

"Get in bed the love"

You climb into bed and put the cover over before dozing off.

Tom's POV:
I watched Y/n fall asleep and I just smiled about how beautiful she truly was. I fell in love with her the second I saw her and wow she was truly beautiful in so many ways but I felt as if I had ruined her life.

Introducing Y/n to cocaine was the worst thing I had ever done in my life but I was in this position now so I had to help her to get off this shit. I wanted to save her life and I was sure as hell going to do it.

Grabbing my phone I call the nearest rehab centre to book her in first thing in the morning and as they are 24 hour they agree to take her. I didn't want to hand her off but it's what she needed a lot of help.

**Next Morning**
Y/n wakes up and she smiles at me clearly remembering what happened last night with the drugs.

"Hey I'm so sorry about it I am addicted Tom and I need help" she sighs to me

"I'm going to help you, Y/n I called a rehab centre and they're going to take you for a month I can come visit everyday but you need this help"

"Okay" she sighs "i'll only go if you promise to visit me"

"Everyday" I smile kissing her lips

"Then I'll go"

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