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You had moved to the US when you were 15 and you met Zendaya a few days after moving and hit it off right away and became the best of friends she was only at the beginning of her career when you first met her and you've travelled through it all with her. You loved being on set with her and when she told you that she would be in the new Spider-Man movie you died as you were obsessed with marvel and seen everything they've ever made.

Due to school you could never go on set but the guy playing Spider-Man was holding a wrap party at his place and Zendaya had invited you to come with her. You were in the car on the way to the party with Zendaya you were just wearing a lace body suit with jeans and knee high boots. As the car pulls up you open the door and climb out then you hold your hand out for Zendaya she takes it as you help her out of the car. 

"So you excited to meet everyone" she winks as she shuts the door behind her then you walk up the drive way.

"Very I mean I haven't even seen any of them so this is gunna be weird" you laugh as you reach the door

"They'll love you" She smiles before knocking on the door, a few seconds later the door opens and you see a boy stood there with brown curly hair a Kharki green shirt and Black jeans on and a huge smile on his face.

"Heyyy" he smiles he was English and you smiled feeling a bit more at home as you were also English.

"Hiya, Tom this is Y/N and Y/N this is Tom"

"Lovely too meet you" you smile holding your hand out as he shakes it

"English? Wow that's so nice to hear" he smiles and it's quite for a second or two "Oh come on in they're all out the back" he smiles letting the both of you in. You follow Zendaya through the house and into the back garden where you see a group of 4 people

"Come with" Zendaya says, you follow her over to the crowd "guys this is Y/N and Y/N this is Laura, Jacob, tony and that's Harrison" she points to each of them

"Hey" you smile hugging each of them.

It was getting later into the night and the sun was going down and it was dusky and this was just how you liked it. You sat on a deck chair as everyone else was in the pool or at the bar you just watched them all with a smile on your face when you feel someone sit next to you as you turn round you see Tom.

"Hey, you looked very lonely and as a fellow Brit I mean I have to come over to make that better" he says with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Aren't you just the sweetest" you turn round to him with a huge smile on your face

"I honestly try"

"Tom come here quick" you hear Zendaya say

"I'll be back" You just smile as you watch tom run over to Zendaya

Tom's POV:
I run over to Zendaya who seemed highly worried for some reason.

"What's up?"

"Do you like Y/N?" She asks me and I am taken back a lot

"I mean she is really hot I was gonna ask her out"

"Tom you can't do that" I frown at her

"Z I don't mean to be rude but I can do what I want if I wanna ask her out I know she's your friend but still"

"Tom, I want her to date but for her own health she cannot do it"

"What do you mean?" I ask with a frown on my face.

"Listen, last year she was pregnant but then when she gave birth it was a still birth but worst of all her boyfriend at the time was there the whole pregnancy but the day the baby was born and found out to be dead he left her without saying anything he blocked her and moved country leaving her broken she went into a huge depression as the love of her life left her at the time he needed her most and now she doesn't trust anyone I don't want to see either of you hurt" I can't believe that happened to her

"Why would he do that? No one should ever go through that"

"I know Tom Listen I don't want her to be hurt so be her friend but she's not ready for a relationship trust me she's told me a hundred times" I sigh turning and heading back over to Y/N and sit back down.

"What did she say?" She asks me and I laugh slightly

"She Just told me not to try and hit on you" she frowns slightly then laughs as well

"Oh right yeah I get it she's protective I guess she told you why"

"Yeah what a dick you deserve much better" I smile at her

"Thank you, Listen Z is going to kill me but do you want to get a drink sometime" she smiles and I was in shock

"Really?" I ask in shock

"Yeah I'm fed up with being broken so why not and you're cute" She nudges me with a smile on her face 

"Well I'm honoured"

"You should be" She winks

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